History-Colonial America

GO TO HS 105 CURSE CONTENT AND UNIT 4 AND FOLLOWINGPART 1Reading:Of The People: Chapter 6American Spirit: Chapter 6, Sections A & BChapter 7, Section Aread book america spirit for answer questionOf The People: Chapter 6American Spirit: Chapter 6, Sections A & BChapter 7, Section AChapter 8, Section AChapter 8, Section ADiscussion Board:Discussion Question:This question is really more focused on previous units, but studying the lead up to the Revolution is the right time to discuss it:To what extent was colonial America a land of opportunity and to what extent a land of ordeal? To what extent a was it a land of liberty and to what extent a land of oppression?post on discussion board and pick 3 classmates and reply with 50 words which onePART 2 – 10 POINTSREAD BOOK OF THE PEOPLE FOR ANSWERAnswer “Critical Thinking” questions 1, 2 and 3 on page 181 in Of the People. You can also use information from the other readings and the materials. Here are the questions: 1. For much of the 18th Century, Britain and France were at war, involving the American colonies. How did this warfare affect the colonies and their people? 2. What was the series of events that brought Britain and the colonies to the brink of war by 1774? To what extent were they the product of poor leadership? Differing theories of government? Different social experiences? 3. At what point did the American Revolution become unavoidable? Until that point, how might it have been avoided?PART 3- DO QUIZThe post History-Colonial America appeared first on Academic Essay Guru.

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