H E School of Construction and the Built Environment
Higher National Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment
(Civil Engineering)
Unit 37
Advanced Civil Engineering
Assignment No.3
Task One
Throughout the years humanity has discovered many different types of road construction methods and processes, with the most ancient known techniques dating all the way back to before the time of the Roman. The construction of roads has always been a concern, and in road engineering in particular, after the invention of the wheel. The techniques have gradually advanced in sophistication and complexity ever since.
Explain the various construction methods for constructing highways to suit the uses for which they are designed, concentrating on main types of pavement. The explanations should include illustrations of the different construction techniques used with drawings and photos. Emphasise on the materials used such as earth, rocks, concrete, etc. Give examples from round the wold as you go along justifying the choice of the type of construction.
(Criteria 4.1, M1.3 & D1.1)
Task Two
Track is the base upon which the railway runs. To give a train a good ride, the track alignment must be set to within the design parameters. Track design and construction is part of a complex and multi-disciplinary engineering science involving earthworks, steelwork, timber and suspension systems – the infrastructure of the railway. Many different systems exist throughout the world and there are many variations in their performance and maintenance. Describe and illustrate the basics of infrastructure and track design and construction with drawings, photos and examples from around the world.
(Criteria 4.2, M2.6 & D2.2)
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