HCA-402 Written Assignment 1
Read The Paper Requirements Carefully
Topic responses should be in the form of a short application paper, 2-3 pages in length in APA
formatting, not including the required cover page and page for your reference list used to write
about your chosen topics.
*Please use scholarly sources*
In your paper: 1) introduce your topic, 2) discuss your topic, and then 3) make a conclusion about your topic.
Answser the question under each of the (3) topic areas. Use the topic heading as a subtitle in your paper:
TOPIC 1: The physical, social, and environmental aspects of community health.
1. Why does the United States see alcohol and other drug abuse in the 21st century as a
community health concern?
TOPIC 2: Global, national, state, and local community health structure and initiatives.
1. List and provide the key responsibility for at least three operating divisions of the
Department of Health and Human Services.
TOPIC 3: Descriptive epidemiology, case rates, and their use.
1. Define epidemiology, and explain why case rates are important to epidemiologists.
*The University will pass the paper through a plagarism software*
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