Aims and Objectives
To develop an understanding of recent policy and economic debates in
the cultural
To develop an understanding of digital media as historically situated.
To critically explore the role of software in society.
To develop an understanding of participatory culture within the context of media
To problem
atize and situate mundane media consumption in a wider social context.
To examine assumptions of power and ownership in the digital economy
Hacker’s ethic is referred to as a phenomenon which implies that hackers are ethically obliged for sharing their knowledge, expertise and information access to all other’s peers. Basically it is practice, involved within the community of hackers for enabling the hackers to get profit from the hacker’s work and individuals.
This particular essay depicts the role of ethics in hacking or whether there is any existence of hacker’s ethics or not. With respect to some examples, the approach of ethical hacking or hacker’s ethics will be defined. The origins of hacking, ethical responsibility of the hackers, value of ethics in the general society are elaborated in this essay. The concept of ethical hacking is appreciated by the hackers (Toombs, Bardzell and Bardzell 2015). In the current society many exiting examples of ethical hacking are found which shows that even during the hacking phase also ethical factors are needed to be considered. Two different components of ethical hacking those are considered for hacking includes openness and sustainability. The term sustainability is a normative concept that is build upon different ideas like justice, equity, responsibility, etc.
About hacker ethics
The term hacker is referred to as person who is enthusiastic regarding the computing technology and gives a lot of time to figure out the operational and functional activities of a computer. In order to accomplish the extraordinary feats, the details of computing operations are needed to be obtained by the hackers. In the early days, the complete potential of computers was explored highly by the hackers (Behera and Dash 2015). The aims of the hackers are to figure out some of those activities those are not even explored before. Thus, in the earlier industries, the sense of the hacker was defined as the imaginative mechanics
There are some ethical principles those are required to be widely followed by the business organizations and the hackers also (Baloch 2014). It is found that hacking would motivate and limit the cyber security issues of the companies. The list of ethical principles of hacking is as follows:
- All the information are required to be free
- Decentralization approach is needed to be promoted in case of mistrust authority
- The public data are needed to be available to the users and the private information should be kept secured from the unauthorized access
- The hackers are required to be judged according to their performance and not according to their degrees, position, age, race etc.
Examples of cyber security
Example 1: Dated on 28th January, 2018
Theft of Japan Cryptocurrency
Example 2: Dated on 12th Feb, 2018
Crypto jacking attacked the website of Australian Government
Example 3: Dated on 14th Feb, 2018
Huge crypto jacking campaign earns $24 for the hackers
Example 4: Dated on 29th January, 2018
Hackers are making ATMs give away cash
Origin of hacking
The term “hacker” could be defined in two different ways:
Details of hacker’s ethics:
- The users must have unlimited access to the computers and are always found to be better than the hands on.
- Considering all the components of hacking essential lessons should be learned by the hackers
- The lists of information are to be free enough from the user’s aspect
- Decentralization approaches are promoted by the mistrust authorities
- All skills and knowledge of the hackers should always be judged based on their ability of hacking
- Beauty of hacking can be increased with high level code
Different hacking approaches
Malware attack:
Phishing attack:
Password attack:
DDOS attack:
Examples of famous hackers
Black hat:
Jonathan James:
Adrian Lamo:
Kevin Mitnick:
White hat:
Tim Berners –Lee:
Vinton Cerf:
Dan Kaminsky:
Ken Thompson:
Donald Knuth:
Larry Wall:
Ethical theories applied for hacking
The constituents of ethical hacking
Hacking is also required to be done ethically and the list of rules they must obey include the followings:
- In order to identify the potential security risk of any business organization proper permission for probing the network should have to be done
- Respect for every individual and privacy of a company should be maintained by the hackers
- Both the software developers and hardware manufacturer should be known by the company
Allen-Robertson, J. 2013 Digital culture industry: a history of digital distribution, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Chapter 7 ‘Hacking the Market’. Coleman, G. (2009). CODE IS SPEECH: Legal Tinkering, Expertise, and Protest among Free and Open Source Software Developers. Cultural Anthropology, 24(3), 420–454. doi:10.1111/j.1548-1360.2009.01036.x
Baloch, R., 2014. Ethical hacking and penetration testing guide. CRC Press.
Behera, M.P.C. and Dash, M.C., 2015. Ethical Hacking: A Security Assessment Tool to Uncover Loopholes and Vulnerabilities in Network and to Ensure Protection to the System.
Coleman, E.G. 2011. Anonymous: From the Lulz to Collective Action. The New Everyday: A Media Commons Project. Retrieved from
Coleman, E.G. 2013 Coding freedom : the ethics and aesthetics of hacking, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Coleman, E.G., and Golub, A. 2008. Hacker practice: Moral genres and the cultural articulation of liberalism. Anthropological Theory, 8(3), 255–277. doi:10.1177/1463499608093814
Gupta, A. and Anand, A., 2017. Ethical Hacking and Hacking Attacks. International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science, 6(4).
Hartley, R.D., 2015. Ethical hacking pedagogy: An analysis and overview of teaching students to hack. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 24(4), p.6.
Lakhani, K.R., and Wolf, R. 2005 ‘Why Hackers do What they Do: Understanding Motivation and Effort in Free/Open Source Software Projects’ in Feller J. (ed.) Perspectives on free and open source software, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Levy, S. 2001Hackers, Heroes of the Computer Revolution, London: Penguin.
Li, M., 2009. Pirate Party and the Pirate Bay: How the Pirate Bay Influences Sweden and International Copyright Relations, The. Pace Int’l L. Rev., 1. Retrieved from§ion=11
Markoff, J. 2005 What the Dormouse Said: How the sixties Counter-Culture Shaped the Personal Computer Industry, London: Penguin Books.
Powell, A. 2016. Hacking in the public interest: Authority, legitimacy, means, and ends. New Media & Society. doi:10.1177/1461444816629470
Prasad, M. and Manjula, B., 2014. Ethical Hacking Tools: A Situational Awareness. Int J. Emerging Tec. Comp. Sc. & Elec, 11, pp.33-38.
Prasad, S.T., 2014. Ethical hacking and types of hackers. International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science & Electronics (IJETCSE), 11, pp.24-27.
Radziwill, N., Romano, J., Shorter, D. and Benton, M., 2015. The Ethics of Hacking: Should It Be Taught?. arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.02707.
Rathore, N., 2015. Ethical Hacking and Security Against Cyber Crime. i-Manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 5(1), p.7.
Sagala, A., Silalahi, F. and Manurung, E., 2015. SCADA Network Delineation Plant Assessments. Advanced Science Letters, 21(11), pp.3444-3448.
Satapathy, S. and Patra, R.R., 2015. Ethical Hacking. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications.
Schreuders, Z.C. and Ardern, L., 2015. Generating randomised virtualised scenarios for ethical hacking and computer security education: SecGen implementation and deployment.
Sheoran, P. and Singh, S., 2014. Applications of Ethical Hacking. International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology & Engineering, 3(5), pp.112-114.
Sterling, B. 2002 The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier, McLean VA: Indypublish. Available from
Toombs, A.L., Bardzell, S. and Bardzell, J., 2015, April. The proper care and feeding of hackerspaces: Care ethics and cultures of making. In Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 629-638). ACM.
The expression named as computer hacking helps to carry out the image of unscrupulous techies, who widely use their skills and knowledge for sensitive copy of the information. Computer hacking helps to steal consumer’s identities and all other disable vital computer networks. However, nowadays most of the business organizations are currently hiring professional IT hackers to collect confidential information of other companies. Sometimes it is beneficial but at the same time in some of the cases it is disadvantageous. The role of the computer hackers are to find out the potential weakness. In the wider society including Business Corporation and government body, hacker’s ethics has brought huge changes.
The benefits of hacker’s ethics and its role to keep the big corporation on their toes are elaborated in this essay. In addition to this, the principles those are necessary to follow in the big corporations, while hacking any information from the server, are also illustrated in this essay. Besides this, for the improvement of the business organization only ethical hacking should be maintained.
Benefits and challenges of ethical hacking
Ethical hacking is referred to as one of the most important actions to be followed to reduce the ethical issues. It helps to built proper computer systems which prevent the hackers to access and safeguard the system as well as data from the malicious attacks. Hacker’s ethics helps to manage sufficient measures to avoid all organizational security breaches. In addition to this it also helps to test the regular network channels. At each business level, hacker’s ethics can create security level awareness among the corporate world. The disadvantages and advantages of ethical hacking are as follows:
- Through ethical hacking fighting against terrorism and national security breaches become easier.
- With the help of ethical hacking no outsiders will be able to access data from the computing system
- It helps to provide adequate preventing measure in the prevention security breaches
The aims of the hackers are to figure out some of those activities those are not even explored before. Thus, in the earlier industries, the sense of the hacker was defined as the imaginative mechanics. According to some of the laws and policies all individuals are not allowed to do all the works in the computing network. It means that they were prohibited to do all the activities with the computing system. However, some of the activities done by the people were termed as unprofessional (Hartley 2015). Through breaking the regular rules and policies some of the activities were done by the users and thus those are defined as illegal. Hacking is a process of data stealing without asking the owner of data. In other words hacking is the activities of the unauthenticated users. With the changing time period, the concept of hacking and hackers are also developing.
There are some ethical principles those are required to be widely followed by the business organizations and the hackers also (Baloch 2014). It is found that hacking would motivate and limit the cyber security issues of the companies. The list principles of hacker’s ethics are as follows:
- Decentralization approach is needed to be promoted in case of mistrust authority
- The public data are needed to be available to the users and the private information should be kept secured from the unauthorized access
- The hackers are required to be judged according to their performance and not according to their degrees, position, age, race etc.
Examples of cyber security
In the first six months of 2017, the world has seen numerous number of cyber security meltdowns. None of the security breach was termed as the standard corporate breach. Nowadays almost every day the data braches are taking place all over the world. It is the responsibility of both the owners and the users to make sure that the new of hacking is not affecting the users financially or operationally (Coleman and Golub 2008). From the current technology survey it has been found that in the year of 2017, numerous numbers of cyber attacks in terms of hacking have been occurring.
Example 1: Dated on 28th January, 2018
Theft of Japan Cryptocurrency
According to the market capitalization of Japan, around 260,000 people of Japan have lost their Cryptocurrency due to online hacking. Around $400 M amount have been stolen by the hackers, which is said to be refunded to the consumers. This news is one of the biggest digital fund thefts in the year of 2017 (Powell 2016). Apart from bitcoins all the crypto currencies have been theft by the online thieves. Due to this unauthorized access, Japan has faced many serious financial issues. After admitting 850,000 coins that is worth of $480 M Japan realizes that the Tokyo based bitcoins exchange has been collapsed (Allen-Robertson 2013). The consumers of Japan were very badly affected due to this financial disaster. The country has planned to implement coin check applications.
Example 2: Dated on 12th Feb, 2018
Crypto jacking attacked the website of Australian Government
According to this news a series of Australian Government websites, including the Victorian parliament, website also was hijacked by the hackers. The websites were compromised by the malware which hacked the set of information forcefully from the website (Coleman 2009). This particular process is known as crypto jacking. The official website of Australian parliament was attacked by crypto jacking.
Example 3: Dated on 14th Feb, 2018
Huge crypto jacking campaign earns $24 for the hackers
According to the company which had developed the software to be used found that due to malware attacks, over than 1000 websites were turned into Cryptocurrency engines and it had made jus a $24. The hackers have used malware to retrieve the hidden data by inserting a link with the software piece. From the news it has been found that, the campaign has generated less than around $25. Despite the widespread nature of the attacks, that is used for BrowseAloud as a doorway to around 5,000 websites, but the total cash earned from the incident was very small.
Example 4: Dated on 29th January, 2018
Hackers are making ATMs give away cash
According to this story the cybercriminals are hijacking the cash machines for stealing the money off the consumers. The process of hijacking is named as jackpotting. The story of data hijacking was identified but the victims are not really determined (Markoff, 2005). The cyber criminals are mostly targeting the cash machines for stealing money of the consumers. In the year of 2016, in more than 12 countries, the cash machines are attacked by the hijackers. The similar kinds of incidents were also took place in Thailand and Taiwan.
Hacker ethics is a concept through which the actual hacking approach can be done ethically (Coleman 2011). The hacker ethics of expression varies a lot with changing time period (Sterling 2002). The set of hacker ethics those are defined widely in the current computing application are as follows:
Information sharing is a very effective and powerful approach which is an ethical duty of the hackers used to share through writing open source codes and access facilitating (Sheoran and Singh 2014).
System hacking is sometimes found to be useful but in those cases where the data are used without the permission of the users are called unethical (Schreuders and Ardern 2015). In order to avoid these kinds of issues, hacker ethics are needed to be followed widely by the hackers.
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