Greek Culture Greek or Roman history Research paper

***Below are requirements listed for paper.****

HIS 321: Analysis Paper Guidelines and Rubric
Your analysis papers will analyze a specific topic in Greek or Roman history directly relevant to the time periods covered in this course
and how this particular topic shaped that civilization. You will support that analysis with the inclusion of primary and secondary
sources from these time periods that offer evidence about the past. These papers are not opinion papers and should not contain
your opinion on the events. They should contain your analysis of the topic using a variety of sources to provide appropriate
perspective on the context of that topic as well as the objectivity of your analysis. Your paper will also include a works cited section
with a mix of at least three primary and secondary sources.
Due in Module Four: Greek Civilization Due in Module Eight: RomanCivilization
Approaching the Sources in Your Analysis
Remember that your sources can be primary sources such as an archeological artifact, a piece of literature, or original writing, as well
as secondary resources about the event. Be sure to read the specific source closely. Read it a first time, then a second, and even a
third if necessary. As you review the source, ask yourself questions:  Who is the author and what is his or her place in society?
 What is the purpose of the piece? Why was it written?
 What values or ideas are behind the content in the source? How are they different from myown?
 Is the piece credible? Why or why not?
 Can the piece be used to support a historical debate? Why or why not?
While your analysis will not directly answer all these questions separately, the picture that is painted by your answers to these
questions is essential in constructing and supporting your analysis. You will use the primary and secondary sources to support your
paper, but the analysis should be your own and not reflect others’ interpretations of the source. You should use a mix of primary and
secondary sources to ensure that you are able to effectively support your interpretation of this topic and its impact on the
Refer to the SNHU Shapiro Library History Guide to assist you in researching the author or the period of history in which the source
was constructed.
Analysis paper assignments should follow these formatting guidelines: Use of three sources, 2 to 3 pages (not including the
bibliography section), double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in Turabian format.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement(55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Analysis of
Historical Context
Well-developed original and
accurate analysis on the topic and
its impact to the civilization in
specific historical context
Effective and accurate analysis
on the topic and its impact to
the civilization in specific
historical context
Accurate analysis on the topic
and its impact to the
civilization in specific historical
context but requires additional
Does not accurately analyze
topic and its impact to the
civilization in specific
historical context
Analysis of
Clearly identifies source
methodology and connects each to
specific historical context in which
it was written with clear supporting
Identifies source methodology
and relates each to specific
historical context in which it
was written
Attempts to address source
methodology but does not
always clearly or accurately
relate each to specific
historical context in which it
was written
Does not address source
methodology or accurately
relate source to specific
historical context in which it
was written or does not use
sufficient sources upon
which to base analysis
Clarity Organization is sound and ideas flow
Ideas are organized clearly
although there may
occasionally be some lapse in
logical flow
Organization is difficult to
follow at times, and there is a
lapse in the logical flow of ideas
Organization is confused
and structure of ideas lacks
Citation Integration
and Format
Paraphrases and/or integrates
quotes effectively, with all
Mostly paraphrases and/or
integrates quotes effectively,
Paraphrases are occasionally
similar to original text and/or
Paraphrases are primarily
similar to original text
citations in accurate format with almost all citations in
accurate format
quotes are occasionally too long
or are integrated ineffectively,
with most citations in accurate
and/or essay is composed
primarily of quotes. Most
sources not cited accurately
Writing Mechanics No errors related to grammar
and style
Errors of grammar and style
are marginal and rarely
interrupt the flow
Errors of grammar and style are
limited enough that the paperis
still able to be understood
Errors of grammar and style
make the paper difficult to

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