Foodie Museums is a must for everyone

Publication date: 2018 Apr 28 | Author: EastMaster
Posted in: Blog | Tips for studentsTags: Alkmaar | Bruges | Deutsches Currywurst Museum | Foodie Museums | Frietmuseum | Jell-O Gallery Museum | Le musée du Chocolat | Museum Kimchikan | Paris | Philadelphia | Pizza Brain | Seoul | Shin-Yokohama Raumen Museum | The Cheese Museum | The Herring Era Museum
Food happens to be very important to our very existence, we need food to stay alive but some people have true love for food, funny right! George Bernard Shaw put it this way “there is no love sincere than the love of food”. Talking about the food there are loads of mind-blowing appetizing food from Chicken (spiced) to Soupe a’ L’oignon and chocolate cakes, tell me any reason not to fall in love with these foods.
Eating and savoring the flavor of most delicacies is just the beginning for some people they go much deeper, as they want to explore the rich history behind some of the world’s foods. If you truly are a food lover then see some famous museums you like to check out below.
Deutsches Currywurst Museum, Berlin, Germany
The name will tell you some little about this German fast-food favorite. If you want to know the history of friend sausage dish then this is the place to visit. The entire history can be told to you on a sausage-shaped phone while you sitting on a sausage-shaped couch. Another interesting attraction found is you can play currywurst-themed video games, and while you are at it you can prepare a virtual sausage using interactive exhibits.
Shin-Yokohama Raumen Museum, Yokohama, Japan
At this popular Museum, the first floor is where you can hear and find all about the history of the famous noodle dish. When you find your way to the basement where you will see a detailed replica of Tokyo’s old town, Shitamachi which also have something very important and that is ramen dish first eaten back in the 17th century. On this down floor, you will also find nine different stores which will serve you a variety of ramen dishes from around different regions of Japan. Can’t just stop thinking about what kind of experience awaits there, hurry up and get yourself some real nice Ramen and besides you can even decide to create your own style of ramen at the museum’s shop.
Pizza Brain, Philadelphia, United States
If you ever want to see the world’s largest pizza paraphernalia collection then you need to visit the aficionado, Brian Dwyer. After feeding your mind and head with all the themed books, vinyl records and action figures there is every chance you start craving for some taste. Well, that urge can be quenched as quickly as there is a pizzeria attached to the building where you can go have a few slices.
Le musée du Chocolat, Paris, France
Everyone can make do with a little chocolate now and then. A very famous American cartoonist, Charles M. Schulz wrote that “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt”. So I guess this will support my previous statement right above it. Chocolate enthusiast should definitely visit the chocolate museum of Paris which is sometimes referred to as the choco-story has over 1000 exhibits. These exhibits cover cocoa origin to how it was commercialized to chocolate making.
Frietmuseum, Bruges, Belgium
This is a museum located in Belgium and the only known museum in the world that is dedicated to French fries. The ground floor provides so much history about the origin of potatoes known to have originated in Peru over 10,000 years ago. You will also learn when and how they come to Belgium. Belgians history makes us know that they have been eating potatoes since the late 1600s. if and When you did the tour then you can go down to the basement floor where the medieval cellars are located to try some free samples.
Museum Kimchikan, Seoul, South Korea
Kimchi is a staple in Korean cuisine made from fermented vegetables. The reason behind this museum is to teach people or visitors on how to make this traditional dish. You can go see exhibitions featuring different regional varieties of Kimchi. Also, visitors can get some science feel as they are allowed to use the microscope to view and observe the lactic acid bacteria that makes the pickled dish nutritious. Get to the tasting room and treat yourself to a wide range of Kimchi.
The Herring Era Museum, Siglufjörður, Iceland
One thing everyone knows about Icelanders is that they take their fish very seriously and this can be confirmed by the Herring Era Museum. This museum is located in a very small fishing town and in all the Nordic nations this is the largest maritime museum. This museum shows you how important Iceland’s herring industry is and how deep its history with the country goes. The wonderful season of herring played a great part in the country achieving its freedom in 1944 after the great depression of the 1930’s. At the museum, you will find heavy machinery, boats, anchors, hand tools and a great number of other artifacts. Visitors can also buy quirky mesh from its souvenir shop.The National Mustard Museum, Middleton, United States
If you are a mustard enthusiast then you need to visit here at least one time.  It has assorted mustard memorabilia, interactive food, and a testing bar; I can say this is a perfect place for every mustard lover. The main thing most visitors come to see is the great mustard wall, comprising of over 5,600 types of already prepared mustard from all over 50 states of the US and over 70 countries.
The Cheese Museum, Alkmaar, Netherlands
This museum is located on the top floors of Alkmaar’s Cheese Weigh House, at the museum the history of two famous Dutch kinds of cheese: Edam and Gouda can be found in detail. Also present are a vast collection of cheese-related tools and exhibits which will keep the interest of any child lightened up. April and September happen to be the very good times; if you are in this region at these periods do not hesitate to drop by.
Jell-O Gallery Museum, New York, United States
At the top of Leroy, there you will find this museum also happens to be the birthplace of Jell-O, the Wobbly gelatin dessert. Vintage advertisements, recipe books, molds, are all found at the museum. It is also said you are bound to get hungry after seeing all they have to offer so check into the souvenir shop and get something to take away with Jell-O plush toys, pencils, and license plates.

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