If you need to complete database homework for management and information processing, check our example of ERD diagram for database. From this example you can learn how to create a model for a database of a certain situation. If you were assigned a similar topic, don’t copy this sample to your own paper. This example was written by our expert and if you feel that you need help with your assignment, ask our service for help! We have gathered experts with professional skills in various disciplines. To be sure that every expert is able to create high-quality work in reality, they have passed complex tests for academic and professional skills.
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Today we will learn the basics of creating models for databases. We need to determine relationships between sets of entities and to construct an ER model for the database right under this topic.
The Recruitment Agency recruits staff for businesses and finds jobs for people. In the implementation of recruitment some company addresses the Recruitment Agency and makes a request for the search of an employee. The application includes job title, professional requirements to the applicant, the proposed salary level, social package, etc. The Agency employees apply to the Agency’s website which serves ads in relevant print publications, pointing to their contacts, work phone, and e-mail. Applicants for the vacancy apply to a recruitment Agency for the initial interview. If an employee of the Agency finds that the applicant meets the set requirements, the employee registers the applicant’s data (name, telephone, or e-mail) in a database and reports it to the enterprise.
In the implementation of the selection of the positions, the client fills the form, which indicates his professional opportunities with the competencies required by employers, passport details, and the desired level of wages. The Agency employee performs a job search on these parameters and when the job is found, the employee tells the client to contact the employer. Each month the Recruitment Agency generates a report on the average level of wages offered for occupations for a particular enterprise and so on.
ER model
Model “entity-relationship” (ER-model) is a data model describing the conceptual schema by means of the generalized structures of blocks. The ER model is a metadata model, that is, a means of describing data models. There are several models for knowledge representation, but one of the most useful tools of a unified view of data is the model “entity-relationship.” Important is the fact that from the “entity-relationship” model we can generate all existing data models (hierarchical, network, relational, object), so it is the most common.
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