Evidence–based practices (EBP) has impacted nursing practice education and science. Three primary goals of the Magnet Recognition Programare supportedby research evidence-based practice and quality improvement.
150 words 1 reference within 5 years in text citations a must and must match the reference. This is a response.Numerous factors have created significant challenges in the work environments of contemporary nurses. New advances in biomedical science the growing need for improved disease prevention and management integration of new clinical care technologies cultural diversity and shifts in care delivery have all contributed to the rapidly increasing need for well-educated experienced nurses (Holloway & Galvin 2016). Collaboration within multidisciplinary teams fosters opportunities to address clinical problems and issues using various perspectives and expertise. Also nurses can use research to shape health policy in patient care. Incorporating relevant research findings into clinical practice and evaluating effectiveness helps close the gap between research and practice (Grove Burns & Gray 2014).Research uses investigation exploration and discovery to understand the philosophy of science. The use of clinically relevant research can develop refine and extend nursing knowledge and strengthen their skills by utilizing evidence- base practices to provide patients with the best outcomes provide safe nursing interventions and use accurate and precise nursing assessment measures (Parahoo 2014).Evidence–based practices (EBP) has impacted nursing practice education and science. Three primary goals of the Magnet Recognition Programare supportedby research evidence-based practice and quality improvement.Evidence-based practice is guided by research findings quality improvement and expert opinion to identify methods of improvement (Parahoo 2014). EBP uses the best evidence stemming from research and applies it to the clinical decision-making. EBP typically comes from systematic review meta-analysis or established evidence-based clinical practices. Other evidence comes from randomized controlled trials quantitative studies qualitative studies and expert opinion and analyses. EBP integrates current trends identifies assessment diagnostic strategies and therapeutic interventions that reflect current evidence including data and research literature to the individualization of care with the inclusion of patient preferences (Grove Burns & Gray 2014).
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