Essay about leaving New York? The metropolis is the most unfit for a living

Publication date: 2018 May 12 | Author: EastMaster
Posted in: Blog | Tips for studentsTags: city New York | write essays
In accordance with the research which was made by American media-company U.S. News & World Report, New York is on the 96th position of rating which is called “Top 100 best cities in the USA”. The metropolis with population of 8, 538 million gained only 1, 1 point out from 10 possible. It is taking such place because of high taxes, political corruption, and expensive residence.
For instance, in the USA annual price of a house is 219 000 dollars meanwhile in New York this works out 378 000 dollars. In spite of that, everything is good with economics and finance.
In accordance with the research results, every 84 out from 100 people wish to live in New York.
So, mostly these people are moving to Florida where a climate is relatively mild and taxes are reasonable. The figure is 70, 000 residents in 2015. Also, another popular state to move is New Jersey. 50, 000 people chose this state as a place of residence. The third position was gained by California with the number of 37, 000 people.
Those who left New York even write essays about this. They realized that it is a horrible massive place. People write that it is terrific to feel themselves alone among millions of cynical and selfish people and soon you become the same. Most people are complaining about pollution, bad smell, exhaust gases, and dingy expensive apartments. Apart from that, the phrase “Only in New York” was used quite a lot of times in the essays. It means that “only in New York” you can see a crazy naked man or woman running across the street or something alike. The city is full of freaks.
What is the reason for this negative situation? The answer is simple and obvious. New York is a very expensive city and not everyone can afford themselves to live there. The economics of NYC is getting better and better. Experts say that if economic situation of a city is good, out-migration increases. That is a fact. Young people flee an expensive city and move to more affordable states where life is cheaper. Old people are looking for climate congenial to health, apart from low prices.
Despite low population increase, the city is still growing but very slowly. In accordance with the statistics, the population grew 2, 7 percent from 2010 to 2016. It took place because of foreigners and births.
Now the population is 8,538 million and experts say that it will increase up to 8, 6 million by 2020. So some people will abandon the city and others will come. This is a continuous process.

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