English: TASK #2: Study the format provided below for the correct APA reference for a single-author book.

TASK #2: Study the format provided below for the correct APA reference for a single-author book.


Last name [comma], Initial(s) of first/middle name [period] Date published (in parentheses) [period] Title of book in italics [period] Place of publication [colon] Publisher [period]

EXAMPLE (1): McWhorter, J. (2003). Doing our own thing: The degradation of language and music. New York, NY: Gotham Books.

Notice that only the first letter of the first word, and the first word following a colon in the title are capitalized. If the title contains proper nouns, those words would also be capitalized. Your textbook provides detailed guidelines for writing a proper reference (beginning on page 361).

After reviewing the example and the information in the textbook, complete a reference for a single-author book using APA 6th edition format. Please use a book other than the textbook for this class. Submit your reference by typing it in the space provided.

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