Effective Study Timetable for College Students

Hello guys! I know college is one of the happening phases of life. It is the time when you can enjoy much. But in college there are various responsibilities to complete. Have you ever thought how to manage things? How can you handle your study with extracurricular activities? With this blog post, I am sharing study timetable which will help you to manage study efficiently.

Contents I am going to share in this blog post are:

  • Importance of Study Timetable
  • Benefits of Making Study Timetable
  • How to make a Study Timetable?
  • How to Study for a longer time without Losing Concentration?
  • Study Tips to Score excellent marks in Exams
  • Tips to remember

Importance of a Study Timetable

College students come up with creative solutions in stressful situations. College life is a bridge that allows students to move ahead and become responsible. In college time students learn professionalism and gain knowledge to make a career. But still, during exams, they struggle to manage things. They hardly get time to take breaks and indulge in extracurricular activities.

Some students in college do not make an organized plan. Some does not follow it sincerely. Due to which they suffer from a bad performance in college.

Organizing Study is not a Study Timetable

A timetable is something which declares time duration assigned to a specific subject, but study plan is much broader.  The study plan is a procedure which describes the preparation, scheduling, and issues faced in the subject by a student.

Thus to study effectively, it is vital to make a timetable and prioritize essential things. If an effective timetable is followed with dedication, it can yield a good result. For making study timetable analytical approach is followed:

  • No of free hours available
  • The time required to devote to each subject
  • Method to prepare course material
  • Creating an environment to study effectively
  • How to avoid the distractions?

All the points mentioned above need to be considered while making study timetable.

Benefits of Making a Study Timetable

There are various benefits of making study timetable. Below are some of the points:

  • Helps in reducing confusion as a study plan arises with little thinking
  • A proper study timetable contains a thorough understanding of course so a student will feel organized.
  • Achievement of one target inspires to achieve another. It will make you enjoy the plan as concepts will become clear.
  • Stress level decreases due to regular study
  • Priorities will be set and become clear
  • Work will not be affected, and thus there will be free time for fun.
  • Increases dedication as well inculcates a sense of discipline
  • The mind will feel refresh and students will get time for leisure activities.

What is Online Study Timetable?

Online study timetable is a plan which is organized for students. It describes a time of study and learning goals. The college students are required to make a study schedule in which specific time is arranged to study. Creating a study plan will not only help students to become organize but also helps in yielding good results.

How to make a Study Timetable?


Time is one of the most valuable resources of college students. College students need to value time to become genius. A student should know how to use time efficiently. Making a study timetable keep student organized in a study. Timetable help students to prioritize their primary work. Moreover, a student can study all the subjects in a course. A timetable will tell when to do things and how to do.

Below is the method to make a study timetable:

Write down your Daily routine

The initial thing which student can do for making timetable is writing down all common activities. The daily routine includes sleeping, playing a game, listening music, and use of social websites. Writing all on paper is important.

Write the name of subjects in the course

It is apparent that you might be having various subjects in your course. Write the names of all subjects and books in your course. All these you are required to study.

Availability of Time Apart from College and Assignments

The student life is about attending classes at college and completing assignments. There are many responsibilities which student has in his/her life. So, for study smartly make sure to take out time to study. Calculate the amount of time you have apart from completing college assignments. If you lack in the study due to the time issue, then take assignment help and get time to study properly.

Manage your time by dividing it for every work:

After calculating the time availability. The next thing which you can do is to split your for work and study. Allocate time for each subject you have in your course. It will make the process of studying easy. Some tips to remember:

  • Allocate time for each subject as per the length of the syllabus
  • Give more time on the subject which is difficult and needs concentration.
  • Give time for each subject as much you can study
  • Try to allocate the time accordingly in a way such that you can study

Write your whole Timetable on Paper

After you have completed the allocation, now you need to write your entire timetable on a paper. Draw a timetable on a white paper by drawing rows and columns. Write the name of each and time accordingly in the timetable. Also, in your timetable you can add some extracurricular activities you are required to perform.

Paste Timetable at Your Study Table

Now when you have completed your timetable, it is time to paste it near your study place. This will help you to utilize your time effectively and efficiently. It will result in increasing the productivity.

Study on Regular basis

The big mistake which college students commit is to leave all things for study at exam time. Some students open their notes the day before exam only. This is very wrong as students can mug up entire syllabus at last minute. The simple reason for it is whenever you try to recognize each thing at last minute you mixed up with all things. It will result in making you stressed, nervous and leas to decrease concentration.

Make ideal space for study

The environment which is ideal to study is that which motivates you to study more. Try to select a place which does not have any disturbance from any individual. Avoid the study place which has frequent movements and hampers your studies. Assign an area which is perfectly suitable for your study. Also, keep your phone and other electronic items away to make yourself away from distractions.

Check your progress

Making efforts is not much but yielding the effective result is essential. So, its advice to track the progress of your learning. Analyze the things will make you better to study the things in a significant way. After completing your study make revisions as per your need and comfort.

How to Study for a longer time without Losing Concentration?


The rough time needs tough preparation and the exam season filled with a stressful time of studies. No matter how much we want to study but study with full concentration is difficult. There is not any denying in the fact that studying for a long hour is effective. Below are some tips which can help you study for a long time without losing concentration:

Convince yourself that task can be done

Telling yourself that you are required to do study can help you to study for a long time. It will help you to recognize the things for the longest time. Thus, you can keep saying yourself to study.

Take some rest before starting

It is much difficult to concentrate on concentrating a full day. It will directly influence your process of thought while you write your exam. Thus before start studying. , it suggested that you take proper rest. Also, make yourself available with the choice of healthy drinks and food that prevents you from energy draining.

Apply 52-17 Algorithm

The researchers have proven that it is perfect to take rest of 17 minutes after studying for 52 minutes. This time can maintain ratio and make you best in learning. It will keep you refresh an help you to study for a long time.

Remove all Distractions

Being a student, you are enough sensible to study and remove all kind of distractions. It is essential to eliminate all the distractions which you might be having.

Try learning with writing

It is a fact that writing down the things makes it easier to learn and grasp in memory. You can make some notes and learn them in a better way as writing allow satisfaction too. Moreover, you will not feel sleepy when you will write the things.

Study Tips to Score excellent marks in Exams

In college, grades are the measure of success for students. Various factors need to be considered for getting grades in college and did not mention numerous distractions in college. But the main thing about college is getting good grades which are very hard. The fundamental reason for it is that students are physically, mentally and emotionally drained when they get into college.  Below are some tips which can help you score good grades in exams:

Read question papers of previous years

Most of the universities repeat the questions being asked previous year and follow a particular pattern. You can go through last year question paper and save efforts. Also, manage the time to write full papers which can help you secure marks.


Presentations affect the marks of a person in a great way. You have written an answer which can help you to score eight marks. But if you present it in a bad way, you will get 4marks only for it. So make sure to use good handwriting that enhances your paper.

Read all questions carefully

It is obvious that you don’t want to waste time by attempting more questions. So, to avoid this situation make sure to make perfect choke that can help you accomplish good scores. Choose a question that saves time and helps you score well.

Do not leave any question

The questions you leave unanswered in the exam will be the one which fetches marks. So, don’t leave any question in a paper without answering its worth. Write down things that you feel are relevant to the topic. Leaving the question unanswered will make you lose marks but attempting to do it will give you zero.

Get spare time to Revise Content

It will sound illogical but revise the thing which you have written already needs to be checked. It will help you to identify your mistakes. Also, it might help you to remember important points that you have missed. Revising paper after writing is like proofreading which is helpful. It will prevent you to make mistakes and score marks.

Read all papers suggested by the teacher

Whenever your teacher asks you to read a particular paper, make sure that you read it. The professors are highly experienced, and they suggest you with some relevant papers that help you in the exam. Highlight the points which you think can come in exam.

Start working on your weak points

A brilliant student knows how crucial it is to work on points in which they are weak.  Working on week points will help students to avoid losing marks and score well. For instance, if your organic chemistry is weak then try to work on it and improve yourself.

Save time and score marks

You might not completely realize that time which you save will help you longer to score maximum marks. For example, if you sleep for 8 hours a day decrease it to 6 and save it to study more. Try to consider academic subjects in the morning at that time you feel fresh, and memory is sharp too. Thus, it becomes easier for you to focus without any distractions. Splitting time for subjects equally help you to score marks.

Tips to remember

  • Set real goals as overambitious goals leas to disappointment and demoralize students
  • Try to stick with the study timetable you have made. Initial you will face lack of concentration, but once you get into a routine, you will be able to manage.
  • Interact with the students who followed study timetable
  • Avoid the students who do not care about studies
  •  Seek advice and take help whenever needed
  • No study plan is successful if it is not executed dedicatedly
  • Initially, you will think that following study timetable is challenging, but later the rewards are long-lasting

Final Words

I hope with this blog post you get the information to manage time for study during exams. If you make a study timetable, you can focus on study and extracurricular activities. If you face any issues still to manage time, you can take online assignment help from experts. For taking assignment assistance you can contact us on our website. Thank you for reading.

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