Education Nurturing Brain Development From Birth to Three
This assignment requires students to assess and reflect on environments and experiences that occur with children 0-3. Students then apply this reflection to knowledge gained in the course by considering best practices in supporting children’s development..
-You will write your responses in APA format- Please review the rubric for what is required.
What to do?
Choose one podcast from the following link below: ( I chose this podcast
Zero to Three Podcast Choices Link If some of the podcast is unclear, transcripts are provided at this site. Be sure to use proper APA format when citing or referring to this transcript if you choose to. You are encouraged to use your words.
NOTE: Do not take word for word from the transcript and use as your own. Cite if you are referring to the transcript/audio. I encourage you to ‘reflect’ and ‘write’ in your own words.
Summary & Reflection /15 As a good organization tool you can use the headings below to help you when writing to ensure that you have responded appropriately.
1. Summarize the podcast in your own words. Share in a paragraph or 2. Why did you choose this podcast? What was the podcast about? Did you learn something you may not have known?
2. Apply content: How does this podcast apply to what you’ve learned already in this course or in this program from other courses? What is the connection to your new learning or understanding?
3. Evaluate: Reflect on the podcast topic. What is your opinion on the topic? How might this podcast support you in your work supporting families of children 0-3?
Relation to How Does Learning Happen (HDLH) /10 As a good organization tool you can use the headings below to help you when writing to ensure that you have responded appropriately.
• A reminder of what HDLH is….watch this video if you need reminders! How does learning happened video:
• Belonging refers to a sense of connectedness to others, an individual’s experiences of being valued, of forming relationships with others and making contributions as part of a group, a community, the natural world.
• Well-being addresses the importance of physical and mental health and wellness. It incorporates capacities such as self-care, sense of self, and self-regulation skills.
• Engagement suggests a state of being involved and focused. When children are able to explore the world around them with their natural curiosity and exuberance, they are fully engaged. Through this type of play and inquiry, they develop skills such as problem solving, creative thinking, and innovating, which are essential for learning and success in school and beyond.
• Expression or communication (to be heard, as well as to listen) may take many different forms. Through their bodies, words, and use of materials, children develop capacities for increasingly complex communication. Opportunities to explore materials support creativity, problem solving, and mathematical behaviours. Language-rich environments support growing communication skills, which are foundational for literacy.
A great video reminding you of the importance of the 4 foundations with How Does Learning Happen? You learn this in field orientation/placement as well as Curriculum 0-3. Please watch for a great reminder of the 4 foundations
Relate: How does this topic relate to ONE of the four foundations in “How Does Learning Happen?” Explain how the podcast relates or differs from “The Role of the Educator” in your chosen foundation. See page 19( the folder attached) of the HDLH Document as well refer to our discussions in class on the ‘Role of the Educator’ with this age group.
1. Conclude: Give a concluding statement, summing up your paper and share 1 focus you believe is needed for future research to support your topic further.
You are required to include a reference at the top of your page following the cover page to indicate the podcast you listened to. See a full podcast example posted in your Podcast Assignment Folder.
Keep in mind ‘your podcast choice title would be included and may be different from what you read below’.
Murphy, A. P. (Host). (2016, February 24). Little Kids, Big Questions: How Our History Influences How We Raise Our Children [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from
You included a cover page. Please include a page number. See APA format as it was taught in class.
Podcast assignment sample :
Pleshette Murphy, A. (2016, September 2). Talking about babies, toddlers, and sleep [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from babies-toddlers-and-sleep
I chose the podcast Talking about Babies, Toddlers, and Sleep, as I am eager to learn more about children’s development and sleep time. Sleep time can be very challenging for young children and their parents, this podcast explains why. Babies need to develop certain skills to fall asleep. After watching this podcast, there are many important facts that I learned and can be very helpful to me when I am putting children down for a nap or bedtime. Continue your own writing for this entire paper. This is an example to assist you to visualize the work.
Apply Content
The podcast, “Talking About Babies, Toddlers, and Sleep” applies to what I have learned already in this course because it discusses the child’ and how they develop. Specifically, how babies and toddlers develop skills to be independent with their sleep routine. Continue your own writing for this entire paper. This is an example to assist you to visualize the work.
I believe the relevant findings and discussions in the podcast to be both true and false. Continue your own writing for this entire paper. This is an example to assist you to visualize the work.
The podcast “Talking About Babies, Toddlers, and Sleep” relates to the Well-Being Foundation in “How Does Learning Happen?” because …………………….
Ontario Ministry of Education. (2014). How does learning happen? Ontario’s pedagogy for the early years: A resource about learning through relationships for those who work with young children and their families. Toronto: Author.
Pleshette Murphy, A. (2016, February 24). Talking about babies, toddlers, and sleep [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from babies-toddlers-and-sleep
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