Do you think smartphones are gendered technologies? Do they have gendered uses? Do men and women use them differently? Use arguments from the Gender and Technology book to support your arguments

Reconsider Sherry Turkle’s arguments in about communications and social media devices in light of gender. Do you think smartphones are gendered technologies? Do they have gendered uses? Do men and women use them differently? Use arguments from the Gender and Technology book to support your arguments. All sources should be cited using Chicago footnote citations. Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More From Technology and Less From Each Other And Nina Lerman, Ruth Oldenziel, and Arwen P. Mohun, eds, Gender and Technology: A Reader (Johns Hopkins University Press)The post Do you think smartphones are gendered technologies? Do they have gendered uses? Do men and women use them differently? Use arguments from the Gender and Technology book to support your arguments appeared first on Academic Essay Guru.

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