The Plan is aimed at accomplishing the following: Enable students to develop STEM activities and programs even for the elementary lecture rooms. The volunteers will focus more in shedding light on the culture that the students should adopt so as to utilize the technological, mathematical, and scientific-based information, research, and information. Secondly, the goal of the plan will be to enable the students taking STEM to develop firm content knowledge in each and every area of the STEM. The program will provide each student, regardless of his or her gender, the opportunity to deeply understand the various disciplines that are required for one to succeed in the STEM. Thirdly, the plan is aimed at equipping the students with the required knowledge for the implementation of the best practices that are based on the current research carried out in the STEM. At the end of the programs, the students will be able to utilize the best practices in the creation of the learning outcomes that improve knowledge in the field of the STEM. Finally, the plan is aimed at equipping the students in the field of the STEM with the understanding and knowledge of process skills, application, concepts, and scientific inquiry related to the STEM areas. This will put the students in the best place to integrate concepts and process skills of the STEM across all the disciplines.
The plan should be based on the Technology Awareness Programs that brings the female students to the realization that they have the same opportunities as the males and they can achieve what the males can achieve. The programs should also be implemented not only in the universities but also in the high schools and colleges. This will provide the students with the knowledge they require so as to maximize their understanding from the different STEM programs that are offered in the institution. The government should also be involved in the implementation of the programs in the different institutions so as to finance the activities involved and ensure that all the objectives are achieved. The programs should emphasize more on the gender inequality evident in the field of the STEM. This can contribute the female students into the understanding that they have the same opportunities as the males and thus they are capable of doing whatever the men can do.
The effectiveness of the plan can be affected by the following challenges. First, the absence of infrastructure can reduce the ability of the volunteers to meet the goals of the plan. This can be addressed by welcoming the government and other organizations to provide the required technology materials for the success of the programs. Secondly, a relatively long time period is required for the new technology to be learned (DeJarnette 2012). The volunteers should sacrifice more time into the implementation of the program so as to avoid stopping at a point where all the goals will not have been achieved. The high cost is also a challenge to the effectiveness of the plan. Even though volunteers will be used, there are high costs that are incurred in the process of implementation. The government and any other willing organizations can be allowed to finance the implementation of the program.
Modern world requires highly skilled employees (Tsui 2007). Since the plan is aimed at improving the diversity in the field of the STEM so as to have highly skilled individuals from either the gender, technological companies as well as the government must have interest and hence there are available sources of finance for the plan. Secondly, the plan is aimed at reducing inequality in the STEM. War on gender inequality is on its high and hence more volunteers from different institutions will be attracted to offer their support in the implementation of the program. With the high number of the volunteers and availability of funds from the government, it will be easy for a large number of the institutions to be reached and the aims of the plan to be achieved even within the minimum time possible.
Jameson, C. (2009). Diversity in Academy. What institutions can do? Retrieved on 11th of June 2018 from
Tsui, L. (2007). Effective strategies to increase diversity in STEM fields: A review of the research literature. The Journal of Negro Education, 555-581.
DeJarnette, N. (2012). America’s children: Providing early exposure to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) initiatives. Education, 133(1), 77-84
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