discussion for my “Nursing Role and Scope“class. I need 2 references, one have to be our textbook “Professional Nursing Concepts & Challenges 8 th ed by Beth Perry Black” I will provide you with some textbook pages, and the other reference has to be a scholarly nursing journal article peer reviewed of your choice. The article had to be published within the last 5 years.

Hello writer this is a discussion for my “Nursing Role and Scope“class. I need 2 references, one have to be our textbook “Professional Nursing Concepts & Challenges 8 th ed by Beth Perry Black” I will provide you with some textbook pages, and the other reference has to be a scholarly nursing journal article peer reviewed of your choice. The article had to be published within the last 5 years. ALSO PLEASE I NEED A PDF COPY OF THE ARTICLE TO SUBMIT WITH THE DISCUSSION.
This is the reference for the textbook
Black, B. P. (2017). Professional nursing: Concepts & challenges (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Nurses can be sued at any time, for any reason. Although employers carry liability insurance, it may not protect or provide legal representation for the individual nurse!
Review the series of videos from the NSO Nursing Service Organization.

Answer the following questions in your post:
1-Why do health care professionals need their own professional liability insurance coverage?
2-If I am covered through my employer, why do I need an individual professional liability insurance policy?
3-Who is your employer’s policy created to fit and protect first?
4-Does having my own professional liability insurance policy give me “deep pockets”?
5-What are the advantages of having individual professional liability insurance?
6-What are the disadvantages of having professional liability insurance?

Purchase of professional liability insurance can protect individual nurses and provide personal legal representation.

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