Evaluating Industry Success
Spend some time this week on http://www.adweek.com/ and http://adage.com/, trade publications that provide industry news on advertising, marketing, and media. Choose one advertisement/campaign to evaluate for this week’s discussion. Include a link to the advertisement/campaign and address some of the following points (moving beyond what the publication has already written and incorporating concepts from our text):
- What caught your attention about this campaign (tagline, design, humor, etc.)?
- What’s the ‘big idea’ behind this campaign and how does it resonate with you?
- How does this campaign contribute to the brand of the client?
- Who is the targeted audience of this campaign? How do you know?
- Is the concept simple or complex?
- Does the campaign promote continuity? How?
- What do you think about the advertising copy included?
- What can you take away from this example and include in your own creative pitch?
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