DET20AB2 Diploma in Education and Training – Mont Rose College

DET20AB2 Diploma in Education and Training – Mont Rose College

TASK -1 (Portfolio Submission)

  1. Prepare a presentation  for  your peers on your roles and responsibility as a teacher based on own job description as a teacher, trainer or educator,  also summarise the aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and code of practice relating to your own area of teaching, education and training.  PowerPoint  presentation (Max. Of  25 slides) (AC- 1.1, AC- 1.2, AC- 1.3)
  2. Use your own experience to write an individual reflective report about the ways to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others and also to promote equality and diversity through the approaches to education and training. Secondly, based on own teaching experience, summarise flexibility and adaptability in the use of inclusive teaching and learning in education700-800 word account (individual reflective work)  (AC- 4.1, AC- 4.2)


TASK -2 (Moodle- Turnitin Submission)

Use your research and practical examples to provide a written analysis of the role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learning goals with your learners. Explain why it is important to identify and meet the individual learning needs of your selected learners. : 1200-1500 words written assignment  (excluding table of content and list of references) (AC- 1.4, AC- 2.1, AC-2.2, AC- 2.3, AC- 2.4 


TASK -3 (Portfolio Submission)

Devise a scheme of a minimum of 20 hours of teaching practice. This can take the form of an hour a week over 20 weeks or 5 hours a day over 4 days – The scheme can be based on:

Taught group sessions,   Group practical sessions

1 x 1 practical sessions or supported learning

1 x 1 or group tutorial sessions           Teaching practice portfolio (AC – 3.1)


TASK -4 (Portfolio Submission)

To be eligible for the award of credit for this unit a learner must be able to provide evidence of a minimum of two assessed observations of their own teaching, that meet the required standard of practice

Design a minimum of FOUR  teaching and learning plans to be observed by your tutor or subject specialist that reflect:

  • The individual goals and needs of all learners; and
  • The curriculum requirements (or vocational standards).

Each session plan should include:

  • Aims/objectives of the session
  • Topic/content to be covered
  • Teaching methods and learning activities (to show inclusive learning)
  • Opportunities to address aspects of the minimum core
  • Resources to be required for the session
  • Formal or informal learning checks or assessment to identify learning is taking place
  • Opportunities for giving and receiving learner feedback and/or evaluation
  • Specific issues of differentiation, or considerations, e.g. health and safety, risk assessment.

Teaching practice portfolio (AC – 3.2, AC- 3.5, AC- 4.3, AC- 5.4, AC- 5.5, AC- 5.6, AC- 5.7, AC- 6.3 AC- 6.4, AC- 6.5, AC- 6.6, AC- 7.2)


TASK -5 (Portfolio Submission)
For EACH observed session produces a written  self-evaluation to explain how own planning meets the individual needs of learners and ways in which teaching and learning plans can be adapted to meet the individual needs of learners. Include enough information to make it clear that you understand the teaching and learning processes that have been taking place.

(Approximately 500 words)

Develop and include in your teaching practice portfolio specific examples of how you have (or would have) adopted session plans for a minimum of TWO contrasting learners, or a particular group of learners.

Include in the teaching practice portfolio two examples of resources, including technology where appropriate, to show how you have adapted an original resource to meet the different needs of individual learners.   

Teaching practice portfolio (Presentation & Report) (AC – 3.3)

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