Describe the components and physical properties of blood
18.1 describe the components and physical properties of blood; describe in general terms how blood is produced.
Blood is such an amazing factor in the human body. In general the human body contains 4-6 liters on blood. The plasma, which is a clear, light yellow fluid, makes up majority of the blood volume. Within the plasma there are formed elements such as; Erythrocytes (Red blood cells), Platelets, and Leukocytes (White blood cells). Granulocytes, which are another formed element, are broken into smaller categories, Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils. The last of the elements are the Agranulocytes which contain Lymphocytes and monocytes. Without even realizing, your body is constantly producing blood. Typically, the body produces 400 billion platelets, 200 billion RBC’s, and 10 billion WBC’s. The production of blood is known as hemopoiesis (human anatomy physiology the unity of form and function, 2012). Starting from the beginning, nutrients, transfer into the embryo and produce the forerunners of the first blood cells. Carrying on into the third week of development, it then creates cell clusters called blood islands. These produce stem cells, which then migrate into the embryo and colonize the bone marrow, liver, spleen, and thymus. According to our book, after infancy the red bone marrow produces all seven kinds of elements, as I listed before. The blood formation in the red bone marrow and lymphatic organs are called myeloid and lymphoid hemopoiesis.
Remembering all the elements of the blood can be tricky. Our bodies are constantly making blood cells, as well as our lab results are always changing. Each lab test has it ranges for instance one’s hemoglobin, ranges about 13-17 grams per deciliter. At the bottom of some specimen tubes there is a gel base, once spun down the blood separates leaving the plasma/ serum at the top and the red blood cells (erythrocytes) at the bottom. The plasma/ serum is then ran and tested on a machine in the lab which then gives the results of one’s blood.
This topic is important because our blood can help diagnose issues that our bodies may be going through. A simple blood test could help with finding cancer, any infections, or even if an organ is shutting down.
Saladin, Kenneth S/ Gan, Christina A/Cushman, Heather N/ Anatomy& Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function. (Eighth edition). (ch.18.1). McGraw-hill education, 2018
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