Describe a fair agreement on the following bargaining issues Communication Essay

Describe a fair agreement on the following bargaining issues Communication Essay

I will provide an exit interview exercise for both roles of employer and employee
Assume you are playing the role of a third-party neutral mediator or facilitator.
*****Describe a fair agreement on the following bargaining issues (explain):

LAST DAY OF WORK:________________________________________________________

NUMBER AND VALUE OF SICK DAYS:_________________________________________

STOCK PAYOUT:_____________________________________________________________

*** think from both sides employee/ employer, how they will think. express your opinion. use steps ,how you would gonna to negotiate to make both sides agree.
** the most important: how the fair agreement for the three issues work for both sides. why they will agree.
** use the source from: chapter 5: Ethics in Negotiation” and chapter 6: “Perception, Cognition and Emotion” ( i will provide)

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