Decision making and Influencing

Decision making and Influencing

The formation of the group is done with the help of the Drexler as well as the SDI model where it describes the various working process of the team members. In this group, there are six members which include Marco, Eduardo, Sai, Pedro, Chantal, and Jeremy. For the formation of this team, the Drexler and SDI combined model is suitable according to the skill and the background of the team members (The 7 Stages of Developing a High-Performance Team, 2014). The team performance model of Drexler is the effective and suitable for each team member to understand their working function.

The team performance model for the formation of the group is as follows:

  • Orientation (Why): This is the phase where the group member has the ability to understand the experience of each other. In this stage, it is also the way by which the group member can potentially help the project.
  • Trust Building (Who): Building of the trust among the team member is vital for performing a various activity. This group contains six members where trust is the vital factor to develop which help to share various activities within the project.
  • Goal Clarification (What): It is essential for all the group members to clarify their goal as well as their activity within the assignment. This will basically help to make a clear view of the entire working function within the assignment that is performed by six team members (Xu, & Wang, 2016).
  • Commitments (How): The entire working method and the technique within the assessment is formed in the way that each of the team members has clear view on the commitment along with the process for performing a task within the team assignment.
  • Implementation (who did what, when and where): This is a stage where each of the team members is having a different working function to perform that is being planned according to the information and the schedule of the assignment.
  • High performance (When): Each of the team members within the assignment provided their best performance and this can be seen from the various activities that have been performed by the team members.
  • Renewal (Why): This is the stage where the members get involve or get departed from the team. This stage did not take place in the group as the team member were present from the initial stage only.

This process of group formation allows the team member to understand the vital task that needs to be performed and also the working process within the assignment. Drexler and SDI combined model can be seen that it is more practical as well as it follows the natural progression which primarily helps the team members to analyze their task and their performance level in the team assignment.

The procedure that is eventually used by the team member in the assignment to reach for the specific decision is done by the help of Drexler and SDI combined model for the formation of a group. In the group discussion process, the entire decision is made with the help of the majority rules (Mardani et al., 2015). This is the system where each of the team members within the group has the equal and similar rights on the decision making process and view of each member will be provided with the same importance. For the team activity majority, the decision-making process is one of the best methods. In the group decision-making process, the effort needs to be collaborative which will help to get the effective decision that is suitable for the team and the project. The majority process allows the team to get the decision according to the voting system of the team members. In the entire assignment, the group also performed effective and suitable collaborative process for the decision making (Wang et al., 2014). There are a group discussion and other activity that help to come to the decision which collaborates and effective for the assignment. The working function of each of the team member is vital to the decision-making process and this is vital to understand the various process that is been utilized within the organization. The entire process for the group discussion and the decision making that is utilized by the team members are effective for the assignment.

The group decision methodology is the way by which the team members are provided with the appropriate process of decision making for their activity. It can be depicted that the decision taken by the team members directly depend on the numerous activities which are performed by the team members. With the help of this process, the team members have the chance to move forward than the specific method for getting an effective decision regarding the projects. From the group process, it can be seen that the process of decision making that is generally utilized by the team member are the majority opinion. In this the majority opinion if lead by 1 percent than also it is accepted as the final decision for the entire assignment (Macnaghten, 2017). The decision making for the formation of the group and other activity within the assignment is eventually done with the help of Drexler and SDI combined model. This is effective for the team member to understand the various acts of the firm that is performed by the team members. The process has the several of who, what, when, how and why which helps to understand the activities within the assignment. This is effective to take a decision on the process and also it helps to clarify the goal of the assignment and the activity that is done for the team. The entire working process within the group allows each of the team member to actively take part in numerous activity within the assignment (Nyumba et al., 2018). According to the Drexler and SDI combined model, the work is eventually divided within the team member and their goal is also clarified to perform their best within the assignment. Working in the team assignment is the vital task for the members to have a suitable process for the decision making and also view on the different activities.

Macnaghten, P. (2017). Focus Groups as Anticipatory Methodology: A Contribution from Science and Technology Studies Towards Socially Resilient Governance. In A New Era in Focus Group Research (pp. 343-363). Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Mardani, A., Jusoh, A., & Zavadskas, E. K. (2015). Fuzzy multiple criteria decision-making techniques and applications–Two decades review from 1994 to 2014. Expert Systems with Applications42(8), 4126-4148.

Nyumba, T., Wilson, K., Derrick, C. J., & Mukherjee, N. (2018). The use of focus group discussion methodology: Insights from two decades of application in conservation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(1), 20-32.

The 7 Stages of Developing a High-Performance Team. (2014). Concentrics. Retrieved 30 April 2018, from

Wang, J. Q., Peng, L., Zhang, H. Y., & Chen, X. H. (2014). Method of multi-criteria group decision-making based on cloud aggregation operators with linguistic information. Information Sciences274, 177-191.

Xu, Z., & Wang, H. (2016). Managing multi-granularity linguistic information in qualitative group decision making: an overview. Granular computing1(1), 21-35.

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