“death by landscape” by margaret atwood
which is more important in the story “death by landscape”,the physical environment or the social environment?
your essay should have three parts: an introductory paragraph, a body containing fully developed paragraphs, and concluding paragraph. following is a general guide for what to include in each section.
in introductory paragraph:
1 provide the complete title of the story you’ve chosen and author’s complete name
2 identify clearly your essay topic
3 include a strong thesis statement on your topic
4 forecast the main stages of your essay
in body section
1 make effective use of topic sentences to identify main ideas of your analysis.
2 support your comments with evidence(paraphrase and direct quotations) from your chosen story
3 explain the significance of each evidence you present
4 contribute to the reader’s understanding of the story as a whole
in concluding section
1 summarize how your analysis support your thesis
2 restate your thesis in different words.
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