Customer Role in Relationship Marketing in Acquisition and Retention of Customers-TESCO

1. Introduction

This report undertakes the issues related with customer’s role in relationship marketing. Moreover, this report deals with the retention of customers when it is about maintaining relationship marketing. TESCO possess considerably high-quality of relationship marketing and thus it forms a basis of this report.

1.1 Aim of the Research Work

Till now, the market and market strategies has changed a lot. More and more strategies are being tested or implemented to attract and to make retention of customers. Aim of this theory or project is to uncover the relation between (and among) the quality customer relationship, acquisition of customers and customer retention in TESCO.

1.2 Objectives of the Research Work

Knowing the need of customers and presenting the fine products as per their needs is the primary demand in today’s world in the field of marketing or the market place. TESCO is one of those orientations which is customer oriented and also a largest retail store for variety of household items. Objective of this research work is to examine the relationship of the organization with the customers and among the customers as well while selling the products. Objectives of this report further consist of:

  • Evaluation and critical assessment of quality of relationship marketing of the organization.
  • To study the impact of relationship marketing on the customers for retention at TESCO.
  • Analyzing customer relationship marketing and its role in preservation as well as gaining of customers.

1.3 Hypothesis

H0: attachment of customers in terms of trust, emotional need with the accessories or products, approval and promise are the vital factors in the loyalty of customers towards the organization TESCO and TESCO club card.

H1: demographic clustering of adult females are the most loyal towards TESCO and Tesco club card.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

Organization’s portable and qualitative planning and strategy makes the organization more attached 2ith the customers and vice versa. This chapter is used to evaluate customer loyalty in relation to Tesco. It further deals with the devotion of the organization and the role and responsibility of customer in relation marketing.

2.2 Loyalty in Retail

The basis of this research is the desire of customers to connect with the retailer. The relationship marketing in terms of retention of small group of customers has now become a more important factor. Advertisements, nowadays, has led to the sudden or somewhere rapid growth in any organization; creating customer relationship has now become in-built strategies in advertisements.

2.3Customer Roles in relational marketing

The importance of the project is to explore the quantity of individual sale and the expert Ness or proficiency of the organization in maintaining a competition. Furthermore, relationship marketing is the key policy or key factor of the organization to attract customers and maintain a long term relationship rather than focusing on single operation. The report concentrates on the quality of customer relationship and the factors that influence customer retention.

2.4 Chapter Summary

In this report, the researcher will talk about the role of customer in relationship marketing, retention and acquisition.  The report will provide information about the customer’s position and the measure of loyalty in the retail.

3. Research Methodology:

3.1 Research Design

The two policies that are undertaken for investigation are qualitative and quantitative policies. The descriptive nature and the richness in the working policies are explored under the qualitative policy. The qualitative data is concerned only with the terms and explanation not with the essential information. All the information is further diagnosed to gather useful information and analyze the understanding.

3.2 Research Philosophy

In this, the focus of the researcher is mainly on the positive elements, performance and the observations related to the two vital issues – the roles of consumers in relationship marketing in terms of a) acquisition and b) retention. 

3.3 Data Collection Method

The researcher used the information gathered from the questionnaire from variety of respondents. With the careful efforts and promise that all questionnaires query to the respondents were recognized, the researcher attains the best possible feedback by making a survey.

3.4 Sample size

In the collection of quantitative data, probability and non-probability sampling both possess separate significance.  The probability sampling has been used in the research where the collection of data is based on self-governing human decisions.

3.5 Research Ethics

Ethics are the measurement of how people manner themselves in the process of social relations. The valuable viewpoints of the respondents were appreciated in the study. The self-possessed primary data was not tailored in any way and was conducted with privacy bindings.

3.6 Limitation

The research related to the loyalty program was due to the motivation gathered from the information of company’s ability to sustain customers and following loyalty agenda.


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