Culture Research Paper Topic Ideas to Impress the Audience

Creation of a culture research paper is an excellent possibility to dig deeper and gain some extra knowledge from a variety of fields of knowledge as culture unites all the things that were created by people during their conscious existence.The investigations of culture are probably among the most interdisciplinary activities as one topic can be studied from various aspects, and the results of the same research title can be totally different depending on the aspect and means of exploration.20 Culture Research Paper Topics that Will Impress the ReadersHere you will find 20 inspirational topics for writing which encompass both pop culture essay topics and themes which deal with art, literature, and other means of cultural distribution.The Mutual Aspects of Cultural Development within Civilization Discourse between Various RacesThe Development of Globalization Processes as a Result of International Cultural InteractionThe Growth of Subcultures as the Manifestation of Modern Cultural TendenciesReasons for Intercultural Conflicts between Various Races on the Basis of ReligionThe Moral Standards as the Reflection of Cultural Level of the American PopulationThe Time of Informational Freedom – How Does It Impact the Development of Culture in the WorldThe Outfit of Various Ethnic Groups – Comparative Analysis of Things People Are Accustomed to Wearing NowadaysThe Video Games as a New Species of Interactive Pop Culture That Breeds New GenerationsThe Internet as a Peak Achievement in the Development of International CultureSocial Networks – How They Are Killing Personal IdentityWhat is the Role of Celebrities as the Carriers of Mass Culture to the SocietyThe Lyrics of Modern Songs as a Heritage for Future GenerationsThe Comparison of Cultural Value between Classical and Modern ArtsThe Language as Cultural Reflection of the Nation’s Social BackgroundIs the Modern Cinematography Filled with Violence that Disrupts the Moral Values of the Society The Philosophy of Culture and How It Was Accepted by the Society in the Ancient TimesThe Peculiarities of Architecture of Religious Buildings of Various Religious Confessions as the Representation of Cultural BeliefsThe World’s Literary Fund – the Greatest Treasure of the CulturePop-Cultures that Were Born due to the Impact of Mass MediaLove – the Greatest Socio-Cultural PhenomenonChoose one of these ideas, find our strong facts to support the issue, and enjoy the successful paper that is going to bring you the highest possible grade.Sample Essay: Instagram – the Vanity Fair of Modern Pop CultureTry to guess which feeling is indispensable for human nature for many centuries? Here is the prompting: “What a nice chariot has this patrician?!”; “The horse of this knight from Birmingham is amazing!”; “The Louboutin shoes of this girl can be compared only with her bag from Prada!” So, this feeling is envy.The commandment «Love your neighbor” was transformed into “Discuss your neighbor” and “Compare yourself with your neighbor”. In the modern world, it’s much easier to follow this rule. One doesn’t need to go to the knight tourney or ball as now it’s quite enough just to take a photo with your “metal horse” and share it with others in social networks. The illusion of the photo works perfectly: other people believe that the person on the photo is the lucky one, and their lives are so boring in comparison with him or her.They say that Facebook is for clever people, Twitter – for lazy and Instagram – for attractive. The last one became a real vanity fair where everyone can boast with something he or she is proud of new Botox lips or appetizing hamburger. That’s the new type of a superhero – the “example-person”.Such a person doesn’t have some supernatural powers and lives only on the screens of the smartphones, gathers “likes”, and serves as an example of a successful life about which all average users should dream about. We try to look like this person and get upset when understand how difficult it is. However, don’t trust everything from the web.In autumn 2015, one of the superheroes of our time became sick and tired of everything. 19 years old Australian Essena O’Neill – the owner of the Instagram account with half a million of followers, left the social network and shared the truth which was hidden behind each of her photos.Essena became popular in a simple way: selfies, photos of fashionable looks and sportive body gathered a lot of followers. After this numerous brands started to pay her for selfies and hashtags in their products.Sometime later, she opened the truth – all these photos weren’t real. The girl could make hundreds of photos to get one perfect. Social networks aren’t real life. Be careful when admire such photos and ask yourself what was the aim of this or that photo.Hanna Krasnova, the professor from Berlin’s Humboldt University, states that photos in Instagram demonstrate success, welfare, and happiness. They make us compare our own achievements with the achievements of others. It may even cause low self-esteem.Krasnova provided a research where she gave the definition to the phenomenon of “Vanity fair”: When you see some nice photos of your friend – the only way of compensation is self-presentation – you post even better photos; your friend sees them and posts better photos again. It’s a never-ending circle: self-presentation causes self-presentation, and the world of social networks becomes even further from the real world.The researches confirm that social media possession makes us unhappy. More and more people worry because of the decision which photo to post doubting whether it is perfect or not.“Consume responsibly” – such a note should be added not only to beer bottles but to social networks as well. Hundreds of followers and “likes” are often only the sign that the person has mastered the commandment «Discuss your neighbor”. The happiness which we see on the Instagram photos is not always present in the real life.References:Trompenaars, F., & Hampden-Turner, C. (1997) Riding the Waves of Culture. Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business. 2nd ed. London: Nicholas Brealey, L.M. 2005. Overcoming obstacles to interdisciplinary research. Conservation Biology 19:574–577., J. P. 2006. Common ground between anthropology and conservation biology. Conservation Biology 20:683–685., P.J., F.R. Westley, R.C. Lacy and P.S. Miller. 2002. A role for natural resource social science in biodiversity risk assessment. Society and Natural Resources 15:923–932., M. and Voyer, Benjamin G. (2014) The effect of culture on perception and cognition: a conceptual framework. Journal of Business Research, 67 (4). pp. 425-433.,%20B_Effect%20culture%20perception_Voyer_Effect%20culture%20perception_2014.pdfScott, J. 2009. Social Network Analysis: A Handbook, 2nd Edition. London: SAGE Publications. 0.00 avg. rating (0% score) – 0 votes Tags: culture, research paper

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