Criminal Justice Supervisor Interview: – ESSAY PAPER LTD

What method or tactic would you use to reduce the backlog of cases awaiting trial? 

October 3, 2018

Criminal Justice Supervisor Interview:

You will contact a criminal justice professional either in person or vie phone/email.  Conduct a formalized interview and inquire how he/she became interested in criminal justice and find out the following:

A. Background

B. Experience

C. How many years they have worked before getting promoted/or assigned to position they are currently in

D. What steps they took to get promoted

E. The promotion process

F. Supervisor training they have acquired

G. What do they are in charge of/doing now

H. Highlights of their career

Your essay must include a minimum of 270 words. Organize your thoughts into paragraphs made up of three to five sentences each. Use this structure to organize your response:

◦Paragraph 1 – What is the general subject of the article?

◦Paragraph 2 – What is the most significant point made in the article?

◦Paragraph 3 – How does the article relate to other material you are learning in Module 3?

◦Paragraph 4 – What did you learn from reading the article?

Read carefully this article:

  1.    How would you explain what political parties are and why Texas has a two-party system?

2.    Describe the history of Texas as a one-party state. Which party dominates Texas politics, and what are the historical origins behind this dominance? What were some of the ramifications of one-party rule? What caused the rise of a two-party system in Texas?

3.    How would you describe the structure of political parties and elections in Texas? What are the different levels of party organization?

4.    Discuss urban, rural, and suburban influences on partisanship. Explain which party tends to dominate in each of these areas, and why.

5.    Has Texas always been a predominantly conservative state? How does this question tie in to the state’s shift from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party since the 1960s?



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