Creative Program for Writing Your Novel with Ross Raisin

Some people rely just on the self-education and own talent when creating their works. Others feel that this is not enough for them and search for an advice and help of more experienced people within this field. In fact, this is easy to arrange nowadays. There are dozens of different courses, sessions, some of which are even conducted online. Thus, you have hundreds opportunities to master your skills anytime and anywhere.

Today we want to inform you about a really great event that will be held in London this autumn.

Every Wednesday during six weeks famous award-winning author Ross Raisin will share his experience. Moreover, this will be not just simply discussions and masterclass. Ross will help you to write your own story and will criticize it.

So what is required of you, if you are going to participate in the courses? The only thing which you need to do except buying tickets consists of the preliminary preparation of your story plan. You should outline a brief summary of the main ideas for your novel. One page outline will be enough for further work during the courses.

Course Program

The course program was developed very carefully so that every participant will succeed with his or her story at the end of the masterclass. You will work a lot in the class; several times you will receive a homework, which will be aimed at refining your skills and improving your think piece. No one says that it will be as easy as pie to complete the courses, but due to the professional guidance of Ross, it will be very interesting, informative and effective for your further development as a writer.

Week 1: Working on Characters

Ross has created great and memorable heroes and he has a lot of tips to share with you. You will have an opportunity to use all recommendations and work with your own story outline to create characters. Vivid discussions, bright examples, and useful knowledge will help you a lot.

Week 2: Ideas Generation

Great, creative ideas are the core of your novel and represent the success factor of your work. Even if it seems to you that you have a great idea, there can be some improvements needed. At this week you will be able to share your ideas regarding the novel and receive a fair feedback. Maybe, your idea is great but need some improvements or another angle of view. Be sure, advice from Ross will help you to find the best solution.

Week 3: The Procedure of Writing

At this phase, you will receive very important knowledge which will be of great use for your further writing activities. You will be shared important knowledge about creating firsts drafts of your story, re-writing and editing it. In spite of the professional level of the writer, all of them spend a lot of time for writing, then editing and proofreading of their work. It is quite a laborious process. However, when you know the main rules for these activities, which were worked out by numerous genius writers from their experience, you will spend fewer efforts and will save your time.

Week 4: Creating a Great Dialogue

A correctly written dialog can have an important meaning for your story. First of all, it can develop your story; make your characters close to the reader. The dialog can consist only of a few statements but can inform about a lot. However, writing a strong dialog requires a lot of skills and professionalism. During the fourth week of the course, you will find out a lot of interesting information on dialog writing.

Week 5: Working with the Style

At this stage, you will find out a lot about language nuances and how they can influence your story. The peculiarities of style and its relation with the content and influence on it will be discussed in detail. You will consider three different think pieces, which represent a great combination of content and style correlation.

Week 6: Summing up and Useful Advice

At your last meeting, you will be able to read your work to other participants and receive a constructive feedback. There will be summing up of the learned material and a lot of recommendation on further options of development. Ross will tell where you can publish your works and how to lead writing activities in the modern realities. At the end of the course, you will be encouraged to work and will be full of energy and inspiration.

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