Course: Sex, Gender and Pop Culture

Course: Sex, Gender and Pop Culture


But here is a more thorough understanding:

The first page contains the summary of the article. In your own words, explain the main argument of the article and then two or three supporting ideas/pieces of evidence.

The second and third page of the assignment involves the following:
– you will reflect on how the arguments made by the author are useful for analyzing pop culture representations by drawing on *at least* two concepts from the course ( I will provide you with a list of concepts)


– You do not have to do outside research for this assignment.
– Be sure to refer to course articles and key concepts in the discussion you provide on pages 2 and 3 of the assignment
– Adhere to the 3-page limit
– Aim for clear and concise writing (this will help you to communicate ideas more clearly and will also help you stay within the page limit)

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