Describe the main functions of network operating systems, including the importance of the network server. Distinguish between local area networks, metropolitan area networks, and wide area networks. Identify the differences between a connection-oriented network and a connectionless network, and givean example of each. Investigate the basic concepts of network congestion, including quality of service. Course Outcome: IT331-4: Evaluate Wide Area Network (WAN) technologies. Assignment Instructions:Complete the following questions in an MS Word Document in APA format. Double space your work and use 12 point font using Times New Roman. You must include both a separate cover and reference page. 1.Active Directory: Describe the functions of active directory and how it supports a network operating system (NOS). Is it necessary for a NOS to have the functionality provided by a feature like Active Directory or can networks operate without this functionality? 2.Describe the operation of transmission protocols, equipment, and especially subnet topologies for common LAN and WAN implementations. Create a table to compare how LAN and WAN differ in these areas and also the relative performance of each. 3.You are hired by a firm that has offices in Peru, France, the United States, and Hungary. Your job is to coordinate a team of IT employees to connect all of the individual sites into one large WAN. In addition to the technical considerations, also explain what the personnel implications are when setting up a WAN on a global basis. How can you determine and overcome the differences in culture, language and other barriers that may be present when working internationally. 4.Identify the differences between a connection-oriented network and a connectionless network, and givean example of eachThe post Computer Science, Describe the main functions of network operating systems, including the importance of the network server. appeared first on Academic Essay Guru.
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