The Entrepreneurial Mind-Set in Individuals: Cognition and Ethics
Please follow the attached instructions and write only 1 page with considering using 2 sources from attached reading article and reports. In addition, I need it a very simple words and when you use sources please mention the writer name in the paragraph as refernce.
After taking the second chapter “The Entrepreneurial Mind-Set in Individuals:
Cognition and Ethics”, please answer the following questions in one page:
1. Describe in your own words the debate that is existed (and still exists)
between trait and processual approaches in entrepreneurship scientific field
when defining and researching entrepreneur.
You can be based on the following reading.
2. For your opinion, which is the most insightful approach to better understand
entrepreneur and then entrepreneurship.
For each approach, identify the mainstream of research suggested by
entrepreneurship scholars to gain new knowledge in the field.
(You can be based on the further reading by searching them on Google and
just reading their table of contents).
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