Business Law: Sexual Harassment

One approach (BUT NOT THE ONLY APPROACH) is to write a paper arising from, relating to, delving deeper into, or otherwise concerning a real case or actual example discussed in the LSB text, in the Barron’s book, or in one or more of the class-related YouTube videos. Generally, it would be much better to choose a case or example that was not discussed at great length (e.g., for more than one or two paragraphs), because that gives more opportunity for you to do your own research and develop your own insights. This is not the only approach. Generally, any law topic that is business related (very broadly defined) is acceptable. Do not write about abortion, about any subject that is more pertinent to another course than to a law course, about a case from earlier than 2010, or about a criminal law matter not related to business.
The completed paper should be from 2,200 to 2,800 words, not counting the citations. The paper, assuming Page10of20 Summer2018BUL4310Syllabus-RobertEmerson

that you have completed an outline on time (on or before Fri., May 25), is due Fri., June 22.
NOTE: You do NOT start out with a perfect score on a paper that you submit (100 points), and therefore we have to explain why you did not get a 100. You must earn the points – typical scores range from about 80 to the mid 90s, but there are lower scores and even higher scores. At least two persons will grade your paper.6
The rubric used includes these assessments of your work, which are stated here just as a reminder of things to consider (not overlook) while writing your paper, not as a guarantee of any particular point total.7
A well-stated thesis – understandable? What is the author (the student) trying to do? 5 pts.
Analysis of Topic – 40 pts.
Clarity of Paper – 10 pts.
Strong Conclusion? (Has the author attempted to prove anything? IF so, given the brevity of the paper, has he/she been successful) – 10 pts.
Writing, Spelling, Punctuation – 20 pts. (See the tips on pages 14-16. You will receive fewer points on your paper for grammatical mistakes, especially ones that I specifically advise against pn pages 14-15).
Sources – Quality and Number (the author should cite at least nine different sources, unless these is an understandable reason – the sources should be of different types, and most should be recent in origin whenever practical and appropriate for the paper) – 15 pts. See “Documenting Legal Research,” on page 16.
Again, the most important things is to write a very good paper that is your work. But the above standards may give you some idea of what you should do.

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