Business Finance – Management Discussion5
Discuss one interesting future research topic related to RBV or agency theory, or the combination of both.
- Examine the variables that comprise Agency Theory view.
- Identify examples of future research using Agency Theory.
RBV= Resource Base View
Work cited and References
150 Words
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About a study concerning the utilization of chronic illness preventive measures, among university students.
My two comments of two Problem Statements:
1) An innovation is an idea, practice, or object that is perceived to be new by an individual or other unit of adoption such as teams, groups, or departments (Rogers, 1995). To be an innovation, the ideas must add value to the organization. They may lead to new or improved products, services, systems, or work procedures. The ability to be innovative is critical in every industry in order to adapt to changing technologies and working conditions, to come up with new products, to take on new skills and jobs, and to stay competitive (Russel, 1990). Innovation is subject to influences from the individual, the organization, and the environment (Slappender, 1996). Historically, innovation in organizations has been studied primarily from the organization’s point of view (Damanpour, 1991, 1996; Gifford, 1992). Research has focused on the improvement of structure, structural relationships, networking, and categorization of types of organizations. 2) Leaders are the engines for envisioning and creating innovative products and services in organizations (Reeves-Ellington, 1998). In the quest to develop leaders, workplace learning and performance professionals can research and apply programs to foster innovation. The attributes of effective innovation leaders can be monitored and analyzed and company climates conducive to innovation can be benchmarked and emulated (Kalliath, 2002). Commitment to innovation as a culture is prevalent in organizations as it is commonly woven directly into mission statements. However, leaders still lack the ability to plan, measure, and implement innovative products and services. These challenges are exacerbated by the pressures to manage several different and often conflicting roles. The competencies that underpin these roles can be explored and developed by workplace learning and performance professionals.
Rogers, E (1995). Diffusion of Innovations. New York: Free Press.
Russel, R. D. (1990). Innovation in organizations: Toward an integrated model. Review of Business, 12(2), 19-28.
Slappendel, C. (1996). Perspectives on innovation in organizations. Organization Studies, 17(1), 107-130.
Damanpour, F. (1996). Organizational complexity and innovation: Developing and testing multiple contingency models. Management Science, 42(5), 693-717.
Gifford, S. (1992). Innovation, firm size and growth in a centralized organization. The Rand Journal of Economics, 23(2), 284-299
Reeves-Ellington, R. (1998). Leadership for socially responsible organizations. Leadership & Organization Development, 19(2), 97-105.
Kalliath, T. (2002). Innovations in teaching organization development and change: Pedagogical constructs and tools for training for training reflective practitioners. Organization Development Journal, 20(3), 1-4.
Required Reading
Argote, L., & Greve, H. R. (2007). A Behavioral Theory of the Firm – 40 years and counting: Introduction and impact. Organization Science, 18(3), 337-349. doi: 10.1287/orsc.1070.0280
Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Agency theory – an assessment and review. Academy of Management Review, 14(1), 57-74. doi: 10.2307/258191
Shapiro, S. P. (2005). Agency theory Annual Review of Sociology (Vol. 31, pp. 263-284).
Bahli, B; Rivard, S (2003). The information technology outsourcing risk: a transaction cost and agency theory-based perspective. Journal of Information Technology. Volume: 18 Issue: 3 Pages: 211-221 Published: Sep 2003
Eisenhardt, K. M. (1988). Agency-theory and institutional-theory explanations – the case of retail sales compensation. Academy of Management Journal Volume: 31 Issue: 3 Pages: 488-511 Published: Sep 1988
Optional Reading
Hill, C., Jones, T. M. (1992). Stakeholder-agency theory. Journal of Management Studies Volume: 29 Issue: 2 Pages: 131-154 Published: Mar 1992
Gomezmejia, L. R.; Balkin, D. B. (1992). Determinants of faculty pay – an agency theory perspective. Academy of Management Journal Volume: 35 Issue: 5 Pages: 921-955 Published: Dec 1992
Tosi, H. L., Gomezmejia, L. R. (1989). The decoupling of CEO pay and performance – an agency theory perspective. Administrative Science Quarterly Volume: 34 Issue: 2 Pages: 169-189 Published: Jun 1989
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