BSBDIV601 Develop and implement diversity

BSBDIV601 Develop and implement diversity policy

Michal Sabo

In order to be assessed as Competent (C) in this unit, you need to provide evidence which demonstrates that you can perform the required competencies to the required standard. Competency depends on consistently demonstrating the skills, attitude and knowledge that enables you to complete workplace tasks confidently in a variety of situations.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to research diversity and its importance to organisational activity and to draft, plan and implement diversity policy.

It applies to individuals working in organisations with staff and clients from different cultures, races or religions, multiple generations, or where there are other forms of diversity in the workforce.

To attain competence in the unit ‘Develop and implement diversity policy’ you must:

Successfully complete the Written Questions

Written Questions

Read the instructions below and answer the questions for this part of assessment. After completing this part of the assessment, upload your answer via your student portal for the trainer/assessor for evaluation. Please allow 5 working days for the trainer/assessor to assess your answer. Check your student portal in regards to the outcome of your assessment and possible feedback from your trainer/assessor. 


You are to complete the following written questions on developing and implementing diversity policy. Your answers will form part of the evidence gathered for this unit.

You have 2 hours to complete this part of an assessment – Written Questions, which includes a 15 minutes time for reading the questions before the start of this assessment. You are not permitted to write during this period. You will be given 1.5 hour for answering the questions and a 15 minutes reading time to read through your answers before you submit your answer sheets to your trainer for assessment via the student portal.

This is a closed book assessment to be completed in class. You are not permitted to copy the assessments of other students, taking, helping other students or any kind of cheating.

  • Read each question carefully before attempting to answer it. Check with your trainer/assessor if you are not sure what the question is askin
  • Your response to each question does not need be to be lengthy – you should just aim to provide enough information to answer the question. In most cases, this can be done with just a few paragraphs. Some space has been provided in this document for your answe
  • Use the documentation principles that you have learnt throughout this course to respond to the questions. In particular:
    • Write clearly using plain English
    • Consider your target audience by ensuring your responses meet the needs of the target audience (in this case your trainer/assessor).
  • Remember, all of your answers must be correct in order for you to pass this assessment.
  • When answering a question ensure you have written a clear and direct answer with appropriate explanation and examples where applicable to demonstrate your understanding of the topic.
  • All the best for your assessment.
  1. In order to gauge an understanding of diversity within an organisation an analysis of existing practices and the practices in other organisations should be undertaken. The views of stakeholders should be considered and the organisation’s diversity policy should support business objectives. Describe steps that can be taken to address these points and the benefits in taking these actions.

-The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender,sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies.It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual. Diversity makes teams and organisations more intelligent as people’s distinctive strengths and weaknesses combine to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts. Given the right conditions, diverse teams can also perform more creatively and innovatively than teams of people with similar backgrounds.All employees undergo diversity training. Diversity training encompasses raising awareness about issues surrounding diversity and developing diversitymanagement skills. Diversity management benefits individuals, teams,  company as a whole, and  customers. They recognise that each employee brings their own unique capabilities, experiences and characteristics to their work. They value such diversity at all levels of the company in all that we do. The leaders of the best practices organizations understand that they must support their employees in learning how to effectively interact with and manage people in a diverse workplace. They recognize that they should encourage employees to continue to learn new skills in dealing with and managing people. They also recognize the impact that diverse clients will have upon the success or failure of an organization, as businesses must compete to satisfy these clients. 

  1. Organisational diversity has many benefits to an organisation. Outline and discuss the benefits of organisational diversity.

1) Talents, skills and experiences

Individuals from diverse backgrounds can offer a selection of different talents, skills and experiences, that may be of benefit to the organisation and their work performance. Though some crossover of skills can be beneficial when it comes to assisting each other, it’s important to hire people with the appropriate skills to fit each of the roles within the company. A variety of skills and experiences among the team also means that employees can learn from each other.

By working alongside people of different backgrounds, experiences and working styles, creative concepts can be born from bouncing ideas off of each other and offering feedback and suggestions. Whereas one person may be great at generating exciting, out of the box ideas, another individual may have the necessary experience to execute it; so it is essential to play on each individual’s strengths and collaborate with others in the team.

Language barriers and cultural differences can often act as a bit of an obstacle for a company who want to expand their business over shores; however by hiring employees who speak different languages it can make it possible for a company to work on a global basis and interact with a broader client-base. Representing a number of nationalities within your company can also help to make it more relatable.

A company who embraces diversity will attract a wider range of candidates to their vacancies, as it will be viewed as more progressive organisation and will appeal to individuals from all walks of life. Naturally, as the number of applicants for each vacancy rises, the chances of finding an exceptional candidate increases too! It can also help with employee retention, as people want to work in an environment who are accepting of all backgrounds and promote equality.

5) Improves employee performance

Employees are more likely to feel comfortable and happy in an environment where inclusivity is a priority. Equality in the workplace is important for encouraging workers from all backgrounds to feel confident in their ability and achieve their best. The higher the team morale, the more productive employees are.

  1. Conduct research on legislation relating to equal opportunity within your state and write a brief summary on the implications of this law for employers and employees.

In Australia, national and state laws cover equal employment opportunity and anti-discrimination in the workplace. You’re required by these laws to create a workplace free from discrimination and harassment. It’s important that as an employer, you understand your rights and responsibilities under human rights and anti-discrimination law. By putting effective anti-discrimination and anti-harassment procedures in place in your business you can improve productivity and increase efficiency.

Under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 External link (opens in same window), employers have a positive duty to take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate the following.


Discrimination is treating someone unfavourably because of a personal characteristic protected by the law such as sex, race or disability.

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment describes a wide range of unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature, which could reasonably be expected to make a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated.


Workplace bullying is repeated, unreasonable behaviour directed towards an employee or group of employees, which offends, humiliates, intimidates or degrades. It is seen as a workplace hazard and can be reported as discrimination.


Should a member of staff lodge a complaint for any of the above reasons, an employer has a responsibility to ensure that a person is not victimised, or treated unfavourably, because he or she has made a complaint or supported another person to make a complaint.

  1. Outline five methods that can be used to include positive diversity practices in an organisation.
  • Commit to boosting your own cultural competency

Cross-cultural communication is an invaluable workplace skill. Today, more than ever, you’re likely to interact professionally with people from different cultural background to your own. Whether they’re a team member, your manager, or a customer, developing a better understanding of different cultures and perspectives can help to improve communication and avoid misunderstandings.

Make a point of educating yourself—learn about different cultural traditions and approaches to work, and keep up to date with global events and international politics. Take the time to get to know your colleagues from different countries and backgrounds. Be open to travel opportunities, especially if you have the chance to visit an office or team overseas. Not only will you gain a greater sense of cultural appreciation and sensitivity, you’re likely to make new friends by finding much common ground.

  • Actively seek out new perspectives and ideas

Tackling a tough problem on the job? Ask for help and be open to new perspectives. People from different cultures and background may take a different approach to business issues. You’ll find that your colleagues can offer valuable insight gained through a wealth of diverse life experiences. Looking at something in a new way may reveal a solution you would never have considered on your own.

Creating a workplace where different perspectives are valued and embraced can go a long way to foster productive business relationships. Whether you’re in a junior role, a manager, or director, actively seeking advice, ideas, and expertise from your colleagues will improve communication and foster a more inclusive company culture. This inclusive culture will, in turn, help your company to retain diverse talent and make your workplace an attractive option for globally minded job seekers.

  • Treat others how they want to be treated

Remember that the so-called Golden Rule to “treat others how you want to be treated” doesn’t always apply in a diverse professional environment. Instead, it is better to follow what has become known as the Platinum Rule: treat others how they want to be treated.

Always be considerate and sensitive to the boundaries and expectations of others. A request or activity you may be comfortable with could be in conflict with the values of someone else in your company. Even commonplace interactions could have subtle cultural nuances to take into account. For instance, understanding how different cultures perceive a handshake, maintaining eye contact, or the boundaries of personal space can help to avert misunderstandings.

When in doubt, ask. If you accidentally cause offense, apologize. Both scenarios are valuable opportunities to improve your own cultural awareness, and your colleagues will appreciate your sensitivity and effort. Being respectful of personal and cultural boundaries, and encouraging your colleagues to do the same through your example, will make your workplace more welcoming and productive for everyone.

  • Observe diverse traditions, celebrations, and holidays from other cultures

Diversity and inclusion activities can take many forms, but one of the easiest and most fun can be creating a culturally diverse holiday calendar. Encourage your colleagues to get involved and find appropriate ways celebrate different traditions.

From Eid to Oktoberfest, sharing food, music, and celebrations from around the world can be wonderful for team-building and a great way for colleagues at different levels of the organization to connect. However, when larger organized celebrations aren’t practical, make a point to personally acknowledge a significant religious or cultural holiday. Well-wishes via email or over a coffee can be a small gesture that means a lot to a colleague, especially if they are far from home.

Beyond major holidays, sensitivity to your colleagues’ regular cultural or religious practices is also important. For example, avoid scheduling client lunches during a time of fasting or holding meetings during a time of prayer.

  • Contribute to the cultural diversity of your own workplace

Remember, diversity can take many forms. Don’t underestimate the cultural value you can add to your workplace. Whatever your background, your unique perspective, culture, and experiences can enrich the professional experience of those around you.

Set an example for others to follow by positively contributing to your company culture. Something as small as sharing a traditional treat from home can be a wonderful way to spark a conversation and inspire others to share too.

The best way to promote diversity in your workplace is by embracing it and working to build an understanding. Getting to know your colleagues on a personal level, regardless of their culture and background, will help you to find common ground, deepen your appreciation of differences, and promote an inclusive and welcoming work environment.

  1. Diversity is relative and can relate to individuals in an organisation with a range of traits. These may include: disability, sexuality, ethnicity, physical appearance, age, background, personality and other traits. List five ways diversity can be acknowledged and embraced in an organisation.

Intrapreneurship, or disrupting internal processes or cultural norms, is at its heart about innovation. One group of innovators in particular figured out how to advance their industry through the way they approach challenges – these are open-source software engineers, and they use design thinking. It’s a good example of what intrepreneurship can be: pick a diverse team with a range of experiences and perspectives; make your mistakes early and be open about them. Without the diverse and constant input, these engineers would be less successful in the way they solve challenges. When faced with a difficult task or situation, seek out advice from new and diverse sources, most likely you will find an improved approach.

As collaboration with diverse individuals provides new points of view, networking accomplishes this on a larger scale. By going to events for closely related professions, or simply connecting through social media channels such as Twitter or LinkedIn where you can virtually engage in conversations with anyone, you put yourself in a position for growth. Inside your organization you can join or organize a powerful employee network with a diverse set of peers. While interacting with your network, look for, accept and appreciate differences. Friction leads to heat, and our heat makes the atoms move faster!

Focus on the strengths everybody brings to the table.

Challenge yourself to appreciate the differences of others and see them as potential drivers of change. The more opinions, the more variety, and the more diversity we bring to the table the more we can unchain our creativity, which is hidden in every one of us.

People with different communication abilities, for instance, can be diverse. Autistic people are known for thriving in repetitive tasks, which is an especially valuable skill set in today’s data-driven work environments. These skills help uncover insights into customer behavior and business trends, and can lead to discoveries that alter how a company operates. In the future of work, diversity will not be an option, but an imperative to sustain in our global, fast paced economy, where never just one person owns and knows the truth.

Stand up to discrimination.

Stand up if you see or experience discrimination. Raise your voice for the unheard opinion. Help others appreciate how every person has a different strength and realize that in that strength there is opportunity to grow and be more productive. For instance, if a colleague comments that a women aren’t as capable of understanding technology, remind them that CEOs Meg Whitman at HP and Marisa Mayer at Yahoo! have both outlasted their male predecessors. By being critical of someone’s weakness you miss the chance to appreciate and benefit from their strengths.

The need for new perspectives becomes especially important when we examine the future workplace. As our world gets smaller, diversity doesn’t only mean differences in gender and race, but age and geography as well. Our world has become ultra-connected – successful companies find that to harmonize these connections relates directly to how fast they innovate. The implications are key for our global workforce because innovation thrives when we are faced with the unfamiliar. Diversity is what makes business more sustainable.

Think about ways that you can reward those who think outside the box. Moving to a team-based performance evaluation framework can in some cases allow you to create and foster a culture of inclusion that empowers your people, spurs collaboration and inspires more innovation.

  1. There are seven identifiable steps involved in developing a diversity policy. For each step provide a description in the table below.
Developing Diversity Policy


1 Form a task group


Group recognises its talented and diverse workforce as a key competitive advantage.

Our business success is a reflection of the quality and skill of our people. Group is committed to seeking out and retaining

the finest human talent to ensure top business growth and performance.

Diversity management benefits individuals, teams, our company as a whole, and our customers. We recognise that

each employee brings their own unique capabilities, experiences and characteristics to their work. We value such

diversity at all levels of the company in all that we do.




3 Develop the policy
4 Management reviews the policy  
5 Communicate the policy  
6 Implement the policy  
7 Evaluate the policy
  1. ter drafting a diversity policy a review is usually undertaken. What is the purpose of this review and which individuals should be involved in this process? If there is a lack of agreement on the drafted policy what should occur?

After completing all parts of the assessment for this unit of competency, make sure you upload all your answers via your student portal to your trainer/assessor for evaluation. Please allow 5 working days for the trainer/assessor to assess all your answers. Check your student portal in regards to the final outcome of your assessment and possible feedback from your trainer/assessor.

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