Assessment 2: Ethics Assignment – My Online Homework Helper


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Assessment 2: Ethics Assignment


The ethical impact of Artificial Intelligences (AI) within businesses and online communities.


The purpose of this task is to encourage students to explore a variety of ethical theories and apply them to a

contemporary ethical issue in an area of business or social computing.

Timelines and Expectations

Percentage Value of Task: 20% (35 marks)

Due: Week 7 – Friday 16:00 pm

Minimum time expectation: This task will take approximately 20 hours to complete.

Learning Outcomes Assessed

The following learning outcomes for ITECH 3203 are assessed by completing this assessment: K1,

K2, S3, and A2.

Assessment Details


Machine learning algorithms are everywhere. It is not just Facebook and Google. Companies are using them to

provide personalized education services and advanced business intelligence services, to fight cancer and to

detect counterfeit goods. From farming to pharmaceuticals. From AI-controlled autonomous vehicles to clinical

decision support software.

The technology will make us collectively wealthier and more capable of providing for human welfare, human

rights, human justice and the fostering of the virtues we need to live well in communities. We should welcome it

and do all that we can to promote it.

As with any new technology, there are ethical challenges. Will the new technologies be fair and transparent? Will

the benefits be distributed to all? Will they reinforce existing inequalities?

(Source:, viewed: 12-



Students are required to undertake an ethical analysis of issues associated with Artificial Intelligences (AI) and

further consider the issues from a software developer, business, online communities or government context.

Students will prepare a business style report of approximately 2000 words, which analyses companion through the

lens of each of the FOUR (4) ethical philosophies presented in lectures, and ONE (1) element selected from the

Australian Computer Society’s (ACS) code of ethics.


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When analysing Artificial Intelligences (AI) in businesses and online communities, consider any ONE (1) of the

following ethical questions:

 What are the implications of a growing trend of AI use within business technologies and online communities?

 Do perceived societal costs outweigh benefits associated with AI?

 What are the potential implications of AI use for the notion of humanity?

 Another issue to be approved by course lecturer and tutor.

For assistance in report writing techniques, see:

A suggested report structure is as follows.

 title page

 executive summary

 table of contents

 introduction

 ethical analysis of companion robots

o utilitarianism

o deontology

o social contract

o character based

o ACS code of ethics

 conclusion

 references

 appendices

The introduction section should provide context and background on the issue of AI use within business

technologies and online communities. It should clearly indicate the dilemma being discussed and provide an

overview of how you propose to address the problem and proposed solution(s).

The body section of the report should contain a brief overview of each of the four ethical theories, and the ACS

code of ethics. It should include a discussion and proposed solution for the dilemma, from each of the four ethical

theoretical viewpoints, and the ACS code of ethics. The discussion should show an analysis and synthesis of

research undertaken and your own ideas.

Writing should be validated with concepts from other people’s work. Gather these references from various sources

such as the Internet, assigned text books and readings etc. For assistance with in-text referencing and formatting

your reference list in APA format.

Background Reading

Bryson, J.J. (2018). “AI Ethics: Artificial Intelligence, Robots, and Society”,, last revised: June 2018, retrieved: 12-Jul-2018.

Collins, P. (2018). “We need a more open debate on AI and ethics in the boardroom”,, created: 17-Apr-2018, retrieved: 12-Jul-2018.

Dignum, V. (2018). “Ethics in artificial intelligence: introduction to the special issue”. Ethics and Information

Technology, 20(1):1–3.

Dignum, V. (2017). “Responsible autonomy”. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on

Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’2017), pp. 4698–4704.


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Karsten J. & West D.M. (2018). “How robots, artificial intelligence, and machine learning will affect employment and

public policy”., created: 26-Oct-2015, retrieved 12-Jul-2018.

Rossi, F. (2016). ” Artificial Intelligence: Potential Benefits and Ethical Considerations”., retrieved: 12-



This task will be marked by the course lecturer and/or tutors. Students will be required to submit an electronic copy

of their report in docx or pdf format via Moodle.


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Marking Criteria/Rubric

Criteria Marking Scale

Poor Excellent

1 …………………….. 5Outline of theory, discussion and application of utilitarianism Outline of theory, discussion and application of deontology Outline of theory, discussion and application of social contract Outline of theory, discussion and application of character based Outline of ACS code of ethics, discussion and application of code Quality of academic writing Referencing and bibliography Deductions Incorrect or incomplete report structure – up to 2 marks Incorrect or inconsistent citation/referencing style – up to 2 marks No clear analysis and synthesis of research – up to 2 marks No clear proposed solution to dilemma – up to 2 marks Total [35 marks]Total Worth [20%]Feedback

Feedback and marks will be provided in Moodle. Marks will also be available in FDL Marks.


Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one’s own without

properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to

safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy and procedure for the university

can be found at

Please refer to the Course Description for information regarding late assignments, extensions, and special


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