Articulate how these lifestyle decisions impact the body’s arteries.

Arterial blood contains a lot of oxygen and nutrients for the body whereas venous blood contains low oxygen level and nutrients

Describe at least three differences between arteries and veins. Describe the nutrients carried in arteries.

Ashford 6: – Week 5 – Discussion

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses.

A Note about Earning Full Credit on Discussions:
As you participate in discussions throughout this course, remember that your responses must be considered substantive to be awarded full credit. A quality, substantive response, must meet several criteria in order to be considered for full credit. The criteria include: length, content, relevance, proper grammar and punctuation. Your responses should add new information to the conversation (instructors and classmates do not want to read the same thing over and over), use class vocabulary, use proper APA format, clearly cite the source of information that you use, be free of major grammatical errors, and be coherent (easily and quickly understood and without contradictions). Substantive responses should not be based solely on opinion, but should reflect the content of the reading assignment for the current lesson. It is also appropriate to include personal experience/examples and/or information from outside sources that support the content from the assigned reading. A substantive post to an online discussion forum will almost always be more than one or two sentences, will contain new information or will ask questions that will continue the discussion. Short statements like “I agree” or “good work” are not considered to be substantive and will not receive full credit.

Amazing Blood Facts

By Day 1of Week One, your instructor will assign students to specific statements. The focus of our discussion this week is the associated anatomy and physiology of the following statements. In your own words, answer the associated questions with your assigned statement.

Your initial post must be a minimum of 250 to 300 words. In addition to the textbook, utilize a minimum of two scholarly sources to support your points. Cite and reference your sources in APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Include the following in your initial post:

Our blood is on a 60,000-mile journey per day.
•Describe how lifestyle decisions contribute to the development of cardiovascular disorders.
•Articulate how these lifestyle decisions impact the body’s arteries.
•Explain how does genetics impact the extent of changes in arteries.

There are 2.5 trillion (give or take) of red blood cells in your body
at any moment. To maintain this number, about two and a half
million new ones need to be produced every second by your bone marrow. •Articulate the life cycle of red blood cells from formation to destruction.
•Describe the physiological factors behind the 120 day life cycle of the red blood cell.

Transport of gases by blood. •Identify the gases transported by the blood.
•Articulate how gases are transported by the blood.
•Describe the reaction of oxygen in red blood cells.

Hemolytic disease of the newborn •Describe the physiological changes in multiple pregnancies when the fetus is Rh -positive and the mother is Rh-negative.
•Explain the risks to the fetus and the mother.

A drop of blood contains 250 million cells. •Describe the composition of a drop of blood.
•Describe the different types of blood or blood parts donation.

Arterial blood contains a lot of oxygen and nutrients for the body
whereas venous blood contains low oxygen level and nutrients •Describe at least three differences between arteries and veins.
•Describe the nutrients carried in arteries.

There are about 30 – 40 billion white blood cells present in our body to fight against infective and foreign organisms. •Explain why white blood cells are important to the body.
•Explain the impact on the body when the white blood count is high or low.

An adult human body contains five to six quarts of blood and
an infant has about one quart of blood •How much blood can a human lose before they expire?
•Explain what happens if there is insufficient blood in the blood.

Blood Donation
•Describe why certain medical conditions prohibit blood donation.
•Explain the testing process after the donation of blood.