Are They Effective or Not?

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Since the marijuana legalization has become a real problem throughout California, the issue of children protection is a priority now. Only adults with their identification cards are allowed by the law to conduct legal sales. However, just like it was before, children do find different ways to buy cannabis. It can be proved by a fact that each month absolutely healthy children are hospitalized because of the ingestion of the unknown substance. It is pretty obvious that the substance was edible marijuana.

Of course, after having a course at the hospital those students will feel better. However, there will be less chances of their usage the same substances again.

Those who decide to use marijuana do not actually understand and realize what they really do. It is good that some educational establishments school districts start to prioritize drug education, with a strong emphasis on the risks of the cannabis consumption. However, it should be all taken seriously. This education needs to be always advanced and updated. It will not work with only several slogans and anti-drug advertising. In order to solve the real problem, some serious measures have to be undertaken.

Everything will not just disappear at once with the only one impulse. This deal needs time since cannabis is here to stay. It is a problem of the nowadays` society, alongside with the alcohol and a wide range of other drugs available.

So, the most important question that needs to be answered now is how to make drug education more effective. New drug education should be introduced in the middle- and high-school health classes. This will help to maintain students` safety and make them aware of everything concerning this major problem.

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In order to succeed with drug education, lessons should be:

  1. Accurate from the scientific aspect. The results of several extensive researches have proved the fact that fear-based messaging, which are created to frighten the students, do not actually keep them away from trying marijuana and alcohol. This method is no longer available. All information which is about to be presented to students has to be trustworthy and backed up by some reliable sources. At the same time, it should be balanced: not too much anti and not too much pro.
  2. Realistic and truthful. While having such lessons with students and talking about the reasons people start using drugs, it is always important to stay honest. The reasons can be different, either it is just to have fun or self-medication or proving the fact that you can. Being honest will attract students` attention. Teens here need to learn how to think critically in different situations they may find themselves in.
  3. Oriented on the harm reduction. Of course, the safest choice is to not to use drugs at all. However, according to the national surveys, the majority of students do choose to try alcohol and marijuana. So, the program`s lessons should surely contain the information about harm reduction actions. It is the acceptance of the reality, which ensured safety.

The legalization of marijuana has significantly changed the way people think and act towards cannabis. Effective drug education is about providing teens with information concerning different types of cannabis, its potency, influence on bodies and minds. This information, alongside with true facts and examples for real life, will, hopefully, reach students and prevent them from doing unconscious things.

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