For this week’s assignment, respond to all 4 questions below.
Remember to answer all aspects/parts of each question.
Be sure that your responses are numbered/lettered and that you leave a gap/space between each response.
3. For question #3 you will need to review and reference both the reading and the YouTube videos “Gullah Traditions of the South Carolina Coast” Gullah Traditions of the South Carolina Coastand “The South Has Risen Again… in Brazil — Meet the “Confederados.”
The South Has Risen Again… in Brazil — Meet the “Confederados”A) In reference to the reading, explain how biological difference is confounded into the cultural category of race.
B) Describe the origins of the Gullah Geechee people of South Carolina and the Confederados of Brazil and discuss how both groups are products of early plantation settlements in the New World.
4. For question #4 you will need to review and reference both the reading and the YouTube video “The Biology of Skin Color — HHMI BioInteractive Video” The Biology of Skin Color — HHMI BioInteractive VideoA) Discuss how the geographical distribution of skin color stems from biological adaptations as protection against damaging ultraviolet solar radiation but also the ability to absorb enough sunlight to stimulate the formation of vitamin D.
B) How can data on solar UV light, skin color, DNA, and fossils be used to understand the distribution of skin color across time and space?
C) As humans have increasingly dispersed throughout the globe, what types of cultural adaptations or practices have they engaged in to stay healthy, both past and present?
5. For question #5 you will need to review and reference both the reading and the YouTube video “The Evolution of Lactose Tolerance — HHMI BioInteractive Video” The Evolution of Lactose Tolerance — HHMI BioInteractive VideoA) Are humans unique in the ability to consume dairy products with no adverse effects?
B) Discuss how dairying acted as an agent of biological selection while considering early Europeans and the Masai based on data yielded from genetics research and archaeology.
C) While citing specific examples from the film, discuss how studies in cultural evolution help inform studies of biological evolution.
D) What precautions should international relief and aid workers take into consideration when deploying food resources, particularly to the Global South or developing world?
6. Considering the information that has been presented in the textbook and the posted videos, explain why the study of biological diversity requires an awareness of the cultural dimensions that shape the questions asked about diversity while citing specific examples (from your responses for example).
If there is no major biological basis between racial “categories” and humans are all members of the same species, does the concept of “race” matter in the 21st century? From your viewpoint, explain why or why not.
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