Take the feedback you received from your peers and instructor from Week 4 and edit your paper. Expand the paper by adding a final section that provides an analysis of
organizational structures and change management based on your chosen theme and organization.
Discuss and recommend the best structure for your chosen theme and organization, as applicable.
Discuss and recommend the best approach to managing change based on your chosen theme and organization.
Conclude the paper with a set of recommendations for improving organizational effectiveness based on the analysis and your chosen area of emphasis (groups/teams, leadership, or change processes). Include any insights gained or changes in perspective as a result of your research throughout the project.
The final paper should be 8–10 pages of content, double-spaced, and in proper APA format. A minimum of 6 scholarly resources should be used. Please use APA citations and references. The cover page and reference page do not count in the page count.
Professor feedback:
Your key assignment outline is excellent and addresses all the key elements of the assignment. The source is an excellent choice for your key assignment. I’m looking forward to reviewing your key assignment!
Use the questions below to analyze issues related to group/teamwork and stress and the work-life balance Combine your first 3 weeks’ assignments, integrating and consolidating the material into a cohesive paper.
Add an analysis of effective leadership skills and suggestions for motivating employees and improving job satisfaction based on your chosen theme (group/teamwork, leadership, or organizational change processes) in the context of the organization that you have selected. Answer the following questions in your paper:
What type of leadership approach is best for your theme and organization? Explain why.
What theories or combination of theories would be best for leaders to use to motivate employees in your organization?
Why do you think the theories you selected would be best for your chosen theme (group/teamwork, leadership, or organizational change processes)?
What suggestions would you make to increase employee job satisfaction for your chosen theme? For example: ◦How would you increase job satisfaction for group and teams?
How would you increase job satisfaction for those individuals in leadership roles?
How would you increase or maintain job satisfaction for employees in the midst of an organizational change?
organization is McDonald’s.
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