Centre Name: Chevron Training & Recruitment Ltd Centre Roll Number: 38003R |
Assessment Brief
Component Title and Code: Care of the Older Person (5N2706)
Level: QQI Level 5
Teacher/Tutor Name: Fiona Wylie
Assessment Technique:
Project 40%
Title of this Assessment Activity: Project 40%
Assessment Activity Description and Instructions to Learner:
You are required to complete a project on one of the following topics: · A client with a chronic illness such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease. · An older person with depression or other mental health illness. Your project should include the following aspects: Introduction – 8 marks · Description of the illness and the prevalence of the illness in Ireland and worldwide. · Compare the statistics of the illness in Ireland with another non-EU country, detailing the differences and how cultural and ethical issues impact the disease. Main Body – 20 marks · The care needs of the client and the changes that needed to be made due to the diagnosis of the illness. · Your role in the care of the client · The role the care setting and the other members of the care team have in the clients overall care. · Discuss 3 services that can improve the quality of care of the client for example: day centres, evening classes, social groups etc. Conclusion – 8 marks · Planning for end of life care is an important part of the care of all clients discuss ways to approach the subject and how you can gather the information in a sensitive and caring manner. · Detail 2 health promotion initiatives that you could implement with the client. 4 marks will be allocated for good referencing, formatting of project and overall layout. Please follow the guidelines below when completing the project:
Date work submitted to Chevron Training: ______________________________
Learner’s Authorship Statement: I, the undersigned author of this assignment, declare that this manuscript is an original work that has not been submitted to, nor published anywhere else. Signed: __________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Print: __________________________________ Learner |
Submission Statement: I confirm that I have received this brief and that I have submitted work in line with the guidelines in this brief. Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Print: ___________________________________ Learner I confirm I have received this work from the learner Signed: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Teacher/Tutor (Assessor) |
Centre Name: Chevron Training & Recruitment Ltd Centre Roll Number: 38003R |
Assessment Brief
Component Title and Code: Care of the Older Person (5N2706)
Level: QQI Level 5
Teacher/Tutor Name: Fiona Wylie
Assessment Technique:
Skills Demonstration – 60%
Title of this Assessment Activity: Skills Demonstration
Assessment Activity Description and Instructions to Learner:
Skills Demonstrations – 60% (30% each demonstration, written 12% & supervisors assessment 18% each) You are required to complete the following skills demonstrations while on work placement.
Date work submitted to Chevron Training: ______________________________
Learner’s Authorship Statement: I, the undersigned author of this assignment, declare that this manuscript is an original work that has not been submitted to, nor published anywhere else. Signed: __________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Print: __________________________________ Learner |
Submission Statement I confirm that I have received this brief and that I have submitted work in line with the guidelines in this brief. Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Print: ___________________________________ Learner I confirm I have received this work from the learner Signed: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Teacher/Tutor (Assessor) |
Guidance Document – For Work Placement Supervisors
This document will give guidance to placement supervisors in relation to completing the supervisor’s assessment documents. These documents are required for the following modules:
- Care Skills
- Care of the older person
- Infection Prevention and control
- Activities of living patient care
Learners may not be completing all of the above modules.
Ensure that the learner has supplied you with the assignment brief – this provides detail in relation to the skills that need to be completed.
When a supervisor is filling in the document please follow the below guidelines:
- All relevant sections of the documents must be filled out, they must be signed by the supervisor who witnessed the skill.
- The supervisor must witness the skills and by filling out the “Skills Demonstration – Supervisors Assessment” document you are deeming the learner competent to do the skills.
- The maximum mark is shown – you award the mark reflective of how the learner did during the skill.
- Marks can be awarded from 0, which demonstrates incompetence to full marks, which demonstrates proficiency.
- Marks can be broken down to fractions if needed, eg:
Assessment Criteria | Maximum Mark |
Learner Mark | Comment |
Appropriate personal presentation to complete the task (i.e.: no jewellery, hair tied back, nails short, uniform if applicable) |
1 | 0.5 | Nail varnish present |
- The comment section must be used if the learner does not receive full marks this should be an explanation of why the learner did not receive full marks, see example above.
- Please fill in the document as honestly as possible.
Chevron Training & Recruitment Ltd, would like to thank the work placements for facilitating, mentoring and teaching the learners. Work placement is a valuable aspect of the training course and cannot be underestimated. We value the time and effort that you have given to the education of the learner.
Care of the older person 5N2706 |
Skills Demonstration – Supervisors Assessment Assisting with Personal Care & Continence Management |
Candidate Name_______________________________ PPSN____________________
Centre : Chevron Training & Recruitment Ltd. Centre No.: 38003R
Assessment Criteria | Maximum Mark |
Learner Mark | Comment |
Thorough organisation and preparation of task: | |||
Appropriate personal presentation to complete the task (i.e.: no jewellery, hair tied back, nails short, uniform if applicable) |
1 | ||
Necessary equipment gathered for the task |
1 | ||
Room and client prepared | 1 | ||
Consent of client obtained | 1 | ||
Identification of clients’ needs | |||
Did the learner check the clients care plan | 1 | ||
Did the learner appropriately identify the needs of the client | 1 | ||
Careful execution of task | |||
Assisting with personal care and/or continence management correctly demonstrated | 3 | ||
Did the learner promote independence | 1 | ||
Effective communication with client and healthcare professionals throughout the task | |||
Explained the procedure to the client throughout | 2 | ||
Reported to the correct personnel following the procedure (eg: written report, verbal report) | 2 | ||
Effective use of relevant health and safety practices | |||
Ensured that the environment was clear from hazards | 2 | ||
Ensured that the client was safe at all times | 1 | ||
Correct manual handling procedures observed throughout | 1 | ||
Subtotal Mark | 18 |
Please sign the declaration on next page.
The comment section must be used if the learner does not receive full marks this should be an explanation of why the learner did not receive full marks, see example above.
Care of the older person 5N2706 |
Skills Demonstration – Supervisors Assessment Assisting with Personal Care & Continence Management |
Name of Supervisor: _______________________
Location: ______________________________________________
I confirm that I observed the above named learner carrying out the skills detailed above in line with the guidelines and that the learner is competent to carry out those skills.
Supervisors Signature: ________________________________ Date: _______________
Office Use Only
Assessor’s Signature:___________________________________ Date: _______________
External Authenticator’s Signature:_______________________ Date: _______________
Centre Name: Chevron Training & Recruitment Ltd Centre Roll Number: 38003R |
Assessment Brief
Component Title and Code: Care of the Older Person (5N2706)
Level: QQI Level 5
Teacher/Tutor Name: Fiona Wylie
Assessment Technique:
Project 40%
Title of this Assessment Activity: Project 40%
Assessment Activity Description and Instructions to Learner:
You are required to complete a project on one of the following topics: · A client with a chronic illness such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease. · An older person with depression or other mental health illness. Your project should include the following aspects: Introduction – 8 marks · Description of the illness and the prevalence of the illness in Ireland and worldwide. · Compare the statistics of the illness in Ireland with another non-EU country, detailing the differences and how cultural and ethical issues impact the disease. Main Body – 20 marks · The care needs of the client and the changes that needed to be made due to the diagnosis of the illness. · Your role in the care of the client · The role the care setting and the other members of the care team have in the clients overall care. · Discuss 3 services that can improve the quality of care of the client for example: day centres, evening classes, social groups etc. Conclusion – 8 marks · Planning for end of life care is an important part of the care of all clients discuss ways to approach the subject and how you can gather the information in a sensitive and caring manner. · Detail 2 health promotion initiatives that you could implement with the client. 4 marks will be allocated for good referencing, formatting of project and overall layout. Please follow the guidelines below when completing the project:
Date work submitted to Chevron Training: ______________________________
Learner’s Authorship Statement: I, the undersigned author of this assignment, declare that this manuscript is an original work that has not been submitted to, nor published anywhere else. Signed: __________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Print: __________________________________ Learner |
Submission Statement: I confirm that I have received this brief and that I have submitted work in line with the guidelines in this brief. Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Print: ___________________________________ Learner I confirm I have received this work from the learner Signed: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Teacher/Tutor (Assessor) |
Centre Name: Chevron Training & Recruitment Ltd Centre Roll Number: 38003R |
Assessment Brief
Component Title and Code: Care of the Older Person (5N2706)
Level: QQI Level 5
Teacher/Tutor Name: Fiona Wylie
Assessment Technique:
Skills Demonstration – 60%
Title of this Assessment Activity: Skills Demonstration
Assessment Activity Description and Instructions to Learner:
Skills Demonstrations – 60% (30% each demonstration, written 12% & supervisors assessment 18% each) You are required to complete the following skills demonstrations while on work placement.
Date work submitted to Chevron Training: ______________________________
Learner’s Authorship Statement: I, the undersigned author of this assignment, declare that this manuscript is an original work that has not been submitted to, nor published anywhere else. Signed: __________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Print: __________________________________ Learner |
Submission Statement I confirm that I have received this brief and that I have submitted work in line with the guidelines in this brief. Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Print: ___________________________________ Learner I confirm I have received this work from the learner Signed: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Teacher/Tutor (Assessor) |
Guidance Document – For Work Placement Supervisors
This document will give guidance to placement supervisors in relation to completing the supervisor’s assessment documents. These documents are required for the following modules:
- Care Skills
- Care of the older person
- Infection Prevention and control
- Activities of living patient care
Learners may not be completing all of the above modules.
Ensure that the learner has supplied you with the assignment brief – this provides detail in relation to the skills that need to be completed.
When a supervisor is filling in the document please follow the below guidelines:
- All relevant sections of the documents must be filled out, they must be signed by the supervisor who witnessed the skill.
- The supervisor must witness the skills and by filling out the “Skills Demonstration – Supervisors Assessment” document you are deeming the learner competent to do the skills.
- The maximum mark is shown – you award the mark reflective of how the learner did during the skill.
- Marks can be awarded from 0, which demonstrates incompetence to full marks, which demonstrates proficiency.
- Marks can be broken down to fractions if needed, eg:
Assessment Criteria | Maximum Mark |
Learner Mark | Comment |
Appropriate personal presentation to complete the task (i.e.: no jewellery, hair tied back, nails short, uniform if applicable) |
1 | 0.5 | Nail varnish present |
- The comment section must be used if the learner does not receive full marks this should be an explanation of why the learner did not receive full marks, see example above.
- Please fill in the document as honestly as possible.
Chevron Training & Recruitment Ltd, would like to thank the work placements for facilitating, mentoring and teaching the learners. Work placement is a valuable aspect of the training course and cannot be underestimated. We value the time and effort that you have given to the education of the learner.
Care of the older person 5N2706 |
Skills Demonstration – Supervisors Assessment Assisting with Personal Care & Continence Management |
Candidate Name_______________________________ PPSN____________________
Centre : Chevron Training & Recruitment Ltd. Centre No.: 38003R
Assessment Criteria | Maximum Mark |
Learner Mark | Comment |
Thorough organisation and preparation of task: | |||
Appropriate personal presentation to complete the task (i.e.: no jewellery, hair tied back, nails short, uniform if applicable) |
1 | ||
Necessary equipment gathered for the task |
1 | ||
Room and client prepared | 1 | ||
Consent of client obtained | 1 | ||
Identification of clients’ needs | |||
Did the learner check the clients care plan | 1 | ||
Did the learner appropriately identify the needs of the client | 1 | ||
Careful execution of task | |||
Assisting with personal care and/or continence management correctly demonstrated | 3 | ||
Did the learner promote independence | 1 | ||
Effective communication with client and healthcare professionals throughout the task | |||
Explained the procedure to the client throughout | 2 | ||
Reported to the correct personnel following the procedure (eg: written report, verbal report) | 2 | ||
Effective use of relevant health and safety practices | |||
Ensured that the environment was clear from hazards | 2 | ||
Ensured that the client was safe at all times | 1 | ||
Correct manual handling procedures observed throughout | 1 | ||
Subtotal Mark | 18 |
Please sign the declaration on next page.
The comment section must be used if the learner does not receive full marks this should be an explanation of why the learner did not receive full marks, see example above.
Care of the older person 5N2706 |
Skills Demonstration – Supervisors Assessment Assisting with Personal Care & Continence Management |
Name of Supervisor: _______________________
Location: ______________________________________________
I confirm that I observed the above named learner carrying out the skills detailed above in line with the guidelines and that the learner is competent to carry out those skills.
Supervisors Signature: ________________________________ Date: _______________
Office Use Only
Assessor’s Signature:___________________________________ Date: _______________
External Authenticator’s Signature:_______________________ Date: _______________
Care of the older person 5N2706 |
Skills Demonstration – Supervisors Assessment Assisting with Eating & Drinking |
Candidate Name_______________________________ PPSN____________________
Centre : Chevron Training & Recruitment Ltd. Centre No.: 38003R
Assessment Criteria | Maximum Mark |
Learner Mark | Comment |
Thorough organisation and preparation of task: | |||
Appropriate personal presentation to complete the task (i.e.: no jewellery, hair tied back, nails short, uniform if applicable) |
1 | ||
Necessary equipment gathered for the task |
1 | ||
Room and client prepared | 1 | ||
Consent of client obtained | 1 | ||
Identification of clients’ needs | |||
Did the learner check the clients care plan | 1 | ||
Did the learner appropriately identify the needs of the client | 1 | ||
Careful execution of task | |||
Assisting with eating & drinking demonstrated correctly | 3 | ||
Did the learner promote independence | 1 | ||
Effective communication with client and healthcare professionals throughout the task | |||
Explained the procedure to the client throughout | 2 | ||
Reported to the correct personnel following the procedure (eg: written report, verbal report) | 2 | ||
Effective use of relevant health and safety practices | |||
Ensured that the environment was clear from hazards | 2 | ||
Ensured that the client was safe at all times | 1 | ||
Correct manual handling procedures observed throughout | 1 | ||
Subtotal Mark | 18 |
Please sign the declaration on next page.
The comment section must be used if the learner does not receive full marks this should be an explanation of why the learner did not receive full marks, see example above.
Care of the older person 5N2706 |
Skills Demonstration – Supervisors Assessment Assisting with Eating & Drinking |
Name of Supervisor: _______________________
Location: ______________________________________________
I confirm that I observed the above named learner carrying out the skills detailed above in line with the guidelines and that the learner is competent to carry out those skills.
Supervisors Signature: ________________________________ Date: _______________
Office Use Only
Assessor’s Signature:___________________________________ Date: _______________
External Authenticator’s Signature:_______________________ Date: _______________
Certification Details
For the purpose of certification, can you please confirm the following details: (please type or block print below), this information is for certification purposes only and will be treated confidentially.
Full Name: |
PPS Number: |
DOB: |
Please attach Photo ID |
If you previously received a FETAC or QQI award from a different provider, please confirm the name that appeared on your certificate | |||||
If you wish for Chevron Training to input you for certification under a different name (i.e. married or maiden name or a full name) as to what was previously on a certificate, please confirm what you would like to appear on your certificate | |||||
Postage address certificate is to be posted to: |
Do you hold a medical card: |
Yes No |
How many modules are you completing with Chevron Training (please list) |
Are Chevron Training inputting you for a major award? If yes, and if you are using the prior completion of a module towards a major award, you must submit certified copies (i.e. stamped at local Garda Station) of the certificates to your tutor |
Yes No |
This form must be competed and submitted with the first module you submit, with all requested documents, if not, it may delay the issuing of your certificate
Care of the older person 5N2706 |
Skills Demonstration – Supervisors Assessment Assisting with Eating & Drinking |
Candidate Name_______________________________ PPSN____________________
Centre : Chevron Training & Recruitment Ltd. Centre No.: 38003R
Assessment Criteria | Maximum Mark |
Learner Mark | Comment |
Thorough organisation and preparation of task: | |||
Appropriate personal presentation to complete the task (i.e.: no jewellery, hair tied back, nails short, uniform if applicable) |
1 | ||
Necessary equipment gathered for the task |
1 | ||
Room and client prepared | 1 | ||
Consent of client obtained | 1 | ||
Identification of clients’ needs | |||
Did the learner check the clients care plan | 1 | ||
Did the learner appropriately identify the needs of the client | 1 | ||
Careful execution of task | |||
Assisting with eating & drinking demonstrated correctly | 3 | ||
Did the learner promote independence | 1 | ||
Effective communication with client and healthcare professionals throughout the task | |||
Explained the procedure to the client throughout | 2 | ||
Reported to the correct personnel following the procedure (eg: written report, verbal report) | 2 | ||
Effective use of relevant health and safety practices | |||
Ensured that the environment was clear from hazards | 2 | ||
Ensured that the client was safe at all times | 1 | ||
Correct manual handling procedures observed throughout | 1 | ||
Subtotal Mark | 18 |
Please sign the declaration on next page.
The comment section must be used if the learner does not receive full marks this should be an explanation of why the learner did not receive full marks, see example above.
Care of the older person 5N2706 |
Skills Demonstration – Supervisors Assessment Assisting with Eating & Drinking |
Name of Supervisor: _______________________
Location: ______________________________________________
I confirm that I observed the above named learner carrying out the skills detailed above in line with the guidelines and that the learner is competent to carry out those skills.
Supervisors Signature: ________________________________ Date: _______________
Office Use Only
Assessor’s Signature:___________________________________ Date: _______________
External Authenticator’s Signature:_______________________ Date: _______________
Certification Details
For the purpose of certification, can you please confirm the following details: (please type or block print below), this information is for certification purposes only and will be treated confidentially.
Full Name: |
PPS Number: |
DOB: |
Please attach Photo ID |
If you previously received a FETAC or QQI award from a different provider, please confirm the name that appeared on your certificate | |||||
If you wish for Chevron Training to input you for certification under a different name (i.e. married or maiden name or a full name) as to what was previously on a certificate, please confirm what you would like to appear on your certificate | |||||
Postage address certificate is to be posted to: |
Do you hold a medical card: |
Yes No |
How many modules are you completing with Chevron Training (please list) |
Are Chevron Training inputting you for a major award? If yes, and if you are using the prior completion of a module towards a major award, you must submit certified copies (i.e. stamped at local Garda Station) of the certificates to your tutor |
Yes No |
This form must be competed and submitted with the first module you submit, with all requested documents, if not, it may delay the issuing of your certificate
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