MS  PowerPoint Presentation Report on Organization

select one quality you feel you possess and describe how you embody this quality.

August 29, 2018

As we’ve learned from our readings this week, culture plays a significant role in communication

August 29, 2018

Human Resource Management homework help

MS  PowerPoint Presentation Report on Organization (20%) 

In this assignment, you will design and share a MS PowerPoint presentation that describes an organization, its current and future challenges, its capabilities, and the requisite competencies needed for its success. You will look for and report on examples of the existing total rewards programs to include monetary, non-monetary, and the work environment (including values and culture). The MS PowerPoint presentation will include a report on existing metrics (organizational or HR) if any are present. If citations or Web site materials are used, in-text citations and sources presented on a References page using American Psychological Association (APA) format are expected. This information can be used in the final paper (the final assessment which is a plan to change the organization’s total rewards programs). It is expected that at least three references will be used with at least one of the three being of a scholarly nature.

At the least, this MS PowerPoint Presentation will include:

1.    Academic Title Slide

2.    Introduction and Purpose for the Paper

3.    Description of the Organization

4.    Capabilities of the Organization and Requisite Competencies of the Employees

5.    Current and Future Challenges

6.    Academic Definition of Total Rewards Programs

7.    Description of Existing Total Rewards Program (Monetary, Non-Monetary and Work Environment)

8.    Existing Metrics that Evaluate the Success of the Total Rewards Program

9.    Conclusions

10.  References Page (With a minimum of three References from course materials)



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