Project Management Final Project

Project Management Final Project

Hard copy must be submitted at the beginning of class on the due date. You will also need to submit a copy to the eLearn dropbox before 11:59 pm on the due date . Worth 25% of final grade.

Working in groups of 3-5 you have been asked to come up with a team project to be handed in at the end of the semester. This project is worth 25% of your final grade.  The goal of this project is to give students hands on experience planning and executing a project and working through the formal stages of project management.

All Final Project Management Projects should contain the items listed below. Keep in mind that your particular project may require more forms/templates then what is listed below.  Be sure to include all the templates listed below as well as a narrative for each section. Your narrative should be compiled into a project report which will likely be 5-7 pages excluding templates and appendices.  You can find a complete list of templates on eLearn in the Drop box under Template for Reference.

Items to include in your Project:

  1. Title Page – Professional Business Format listing all participants names
  2. Project Name and Description
    1. Project Charter
    2. Project Scope Statement
  3. Communications
  4. Meetings
  5. Kick off meeting template
  6. Time Management (timelines should be consistent with MS Project file)
  7. Quality Metrics
  8. Cost Management
  9. all relevant material cost information
  10. all relevant labour cost information
  11. Human Resources
  12. assigned tasks
  13. issue log
  14. reporting structure
  15. Project Risk
  16. risk probability matrix
  17. risk register template
  18. Lessons Learned Report template
  19. Photos of your event/project

The assignment must be submitted in hardcopy in the following format:

  1. Title page on top followed by, Table of Contents with appropriate page numbers.
  2. All relevant pages numbered appropriately
  3. All stapled together
  4. One submission per group



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