Involvement of Parents for Better Academic Results of Children

Children perform better at school when their parents are actively interested in their homework and homework, so they show their children that what they do is important. Helping your child with homework is much better than taking the help of any essay writing service and it should not mean having to spend long hours hunched over his desk. Parents can support their children by demonstrating their organizational and study skills, explaining a complicated problem or encouraging them to take a break when they have been working on homework for some time. And who knows? It is possible for parents to learn the odd thing in the process!
Here are some tips to guide you on this path:

Get to know your child’s teachers and what their goals are. Attend school meetings, such as those of parents and teachers, to get to know your child’s teachers better. Ask them what they expect from homework and how you should get involved;
Establish a suitable area to do homework. Make sure the child has a well-lit place to do homework and that he has the necessary school supplies (paper, pencils, sticks, scissors …) on hand;
Establish a regular schedule to study and do homework. Some children work better in the afternoon, after a snack and a play period, while others prefer to wait until after dinner;
Help him to design a work plan. On days when you have a large volume of homework or when you have to start a particularly complicated or heavy school assignment, encourage your child to break it down into more manageable parts. If necessary, help them set up a work schedule for that day or period and, if possible, ask her to take 15 minutes of rest after each hour of work to avoid preparing for exams or complete projects at the last minute
Minimize distractions. This includes television, loud music and phone calls (Anyway, sometimes a phone call to a classmate about a specific school assignment can be very helpful);
Make sure your child does his own work. He will not learn anything if he does not think for himself and makes his own mistakes. Parents can make suggestions and give directions to guide their children. But learning must be in the hands of children;
Motivate and supervise your child. Ask your child about homework, tests, and exams. Support him, check that he has completed homework and send him the message that he can come to you when you have questions or have something to worry about;
Give a good example. Does your child see you organizing your time well or reading books? Children are more likely to follow their parents’ example than their advice;
Praise your work and your effort. Hang an exam or art work in the fridge where you got an outstanding. Comment your academic achievements to your relatives;
Help your children start early with research reports or some other big task. A little help and support can make a big difference;
Help the student find sources of information such as books, websites, and tutorials. Do not make them work, but be available to help them and guide them in the right direction

In addition to above mentioned, following are some tips that has to be emphasised in order to improve the educational performance of the children.
Congratulate your Children
Congratulate and praise your children for their achievements. Congratulate them on that great science project, or tell them how much you enjoyed reading the composition he or she did. Sometimes you can celebrate with an outing to the movies, or doing something special to highlight that great achievement.
Give the good example
Show your children how the things they are learning today will help him in the future. Read books in front of them, write electronic messages, make reports, work on your family budget balances, do your taxes, plan for savings for a large purchase, and / or learn something new about technology and science. These and other activities show young people that what they learned at school is important. Show them that it takes time and work to learn many activities and let them know that some of these tasks are also difficult for you. Be enthusiastic about what you are learning and discovering since enthusiasm is contagious.
Limit time on the computer, television, and video games
Studies show that some students do better in school if they have limited time to watch television, play video games, and surf the Internet. It is suggested that you talk with your teen to determine a good routine to complete the task. These activities are normal for most teens, but they should not be allowed to dominate the time they are at home.
If the child is constantly having problems with homework, ask for help. Talk about it with theirteacher.

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