Contribute to Health and Safety of Self and Others
1. Assessments should be completed as per your trainer’s instructions. 2. Assessments must be submitted by the due date to avoid a late submission penalty. 3. Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own. You must write your answers in your own words and include a reference list. A mark of zero will be given for any assessment or part of an assessment that has been plagiarised. 4. You may discuss your assessments with other students, but submitting identical answers to other students will result in a failing grade. Your answers must be yours alone. 5. Your trainer will advise whether the assessment should be digitally uploaded or submitted in hard copy. Assessments that are digitally uploaded should be saved in pdf format. 6. You must attempt all questions. 7. You must pass all assessments in order to pass the subject. 8. All assessments are to be completed in accordance with WHS regulatory requirements. |
Assessment 2
Part A – Written or Oral Questions
- What WHS duty holders exist in your present or previous workplace?
(4 marks)
- How could you as a worker make a contribution to WHS consultative activities? Consider how you could contribute to the following: (6 marks) Workplace meetings
- Inspections
- Encouraging consultation
- You notice a hazard, but you are unsure of the risks it poses. With whom
would you raise your concern? (4 marks)
- How would you either eliminate or reduce the following risks? (6 marks)
- An employee suffering back damage at their work station
- An employee injuring themselves through heavy lifting
- A tour guide at risk of developing skin cancer
- According to the WHS Act 2011 what are the responsibilities of: (10 marks)
- The employer
- The worker
Part A total: 30 marks
Part B – Written or Oral Questions & Documentation
It is 10 pm and a colleague (Steve Waugh) and yourself are closing up the restaurant you work in. Your colleague is carrying a number of plates, and slips on a greasy area of the floor, on what looks like dropped chips. The smashed plates cause a cut on one of his hands, and his wrist is badly swollen in an attempt to break his fall.
Steve is a part time waiter who has been employed for 2 months and started his shift at 6pm.
- What steps would you follow to ensure Steve is not badly injured? (2 marks)
- Fill out the attached incident / injury form: (10 marks)
- Who would you report this incident to? (2 marks)
Part B total: 14 marks
Assessment 2 total: 44 marks
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