5 Steps of Top Personal Narrative Essay Outline

How to Create the Best Personal Narrative Essay Outline

EssayStudyTips November 30, 2017

Hearing the word “essay”, each student immediately imagines some kind of scientific paper, studying of many facts, arguments and work with a variety of sources of information. In fact, the essay is really a genre that is often written in a scientific style. Nevertheless, the personal narrative essay has its own characteristics. Writing personal narrative essay outline is much more interesting than creating any other student paper. The essence of this essay is the descriptive story with an instructive end. Writing this work, you can learn how to express your own thoughts, how to develop imagination and creative way of thinking. Every student sometimes has to write this kind of essay. This is a very important task, but with the help of some rules of writing a personal narrative essay outline, this work will become simple and interesting.

Tips on Personal Narrative Essay Outline Writing

1. Narrative Essay Structure

Before you start writing a personal narrative essay outline, you need to familiarize yourself with the correct structure of this type of text. In fact, the narrative essay must consist of three main parts, as well as any other type of essay. Start to write narrative essay with the introduction, open your thoughts in the body of your text and then write conclusions. The same goes for the outline of the personal narrative essay. In fact, your plan is a reflection of your text, such a reduced version of it, in which the main theses are written down. Therefore, the rules for creating the work and its outline are very similar.

2. How to Start a Personal Narrative Essay

Thinking over the introduction is a very important part of the outline of the personal narrative essay. Your plan should show the basic thoughts that you express in the introduction. Write them in the form of abstracts, draw up a diagram. Remember that the introduction, in fact, has to be short. Nevertheless, it should attract the attention of the reader. Very often, people do not continue to read a book that starts boringly. Intrigue your audience telling something interesting. Familiarize readers with your story, but do not reveal the most important details. Remember that a narrative essay should be written by all means in the first or third person.

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3. The Body of Your Text

The second important point of writing an outline for the narrative essay is the creation of the body of the text. Think about how you will gradually reveal those topics that you mentioned in the introduction. The number of paragraphs in this type of essay can be different. Every point of your plan should briefly formulate the basic idea of some paragraph. Gradualism is a very important aspect of creating such essays. It is very important that every new thought should complement the previous one.

First, you need to create a background of the whole story, tell the key facts, and then develop the basic idea. Do not miss any important details. Your text should be understandable. Enter various characters in your narrative, just remember that one of the main differences of the narrative essay from the usual story is that much attention is paid to the characters’ images in the story, and in the narrative essay, the main role is played by the events that you describe.

The approximate sequence of your actions while writing the body of the essay should be like this: first write about the beginning of some event and the heroes, then describe how the situation develops and do not forget to write about your own feelings and emotions. Note this consistency in your plan.

Many novice writers think that the most interesting and useful paper is an essay describing some tragic story with a bad end. In fact, this is not so, you can successfully write a more positive story with an optimistic end. As in any other work, there must be a culmination of your narrative essay. This is the most strained part of the body of your work. It is necessary to use images and words that provoke emotional expression. Write different adjectives in this part, since they will make your text as emotional as possible.

4. The Proper Ending of the Narrative Essay

The final part of your essay is conclusions. This part of the text is, perhaps, the most important because here the writer shows the moral side of the work, speaks about what lesson he learned from the described situation, how this information can be useful to the readers in everyday life. If your topic allows you to put some call to action into the text, be sure to use this technique, as this is very inspiring and motivating for the audience. Draw parallels between the situation, taking place in your essay and the actual problems of modern society.

5. The Most Important Rules of Writing a Narrative Essay

Here is some important information that you need to learn if you want to know how to create a personal narrative essay outline.

  • Start an essay with a question that will be interesting to your audience and which will be remembered by many people.
  • Play with the feelings of your readers. Do not influence only on their visual imaging, try to describe events and characters in such a way that you use all their senses and let readers feel what you are writing about as realistically as possible.
  • Use the literary language. Avoid spoken words and vernaculars. Do not write too simple and monotonous sentences, as it is really boring. Describe as many bright details as possible.
  • Describe all events in chronological order – it helps to understand their sequence easier. Despite a large number of epithets and complex sentences in your text. It must still be simple and clear. Imagine that you are going to tell your story to the child.

Remember that the main difference between a narrative essay and an ordinary story is the existence of a goal, some kind of problematic issue, a philosophical answer to which you must show through the events happening in the text. And finally remember, a narrative essay also needs to be re-read and edited, like any other work.

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