The human body responds to the increased demands of exercise in a number of ways. Studying this response can provide useful information about the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. For instance, physiological measurements allow us to understand exactly how the lungs and heart respond to increased physical activity.
A dataset for this piece of work can be accessed via Blackboard. The data shows the physiological response measured from an individual subject during a bout of incremental exercise. This data must be reported, described and explained as part of your essay. It should be written using a style and language suitable for students, researchers and academics to understand.
It is essential that you follow the structure detailed below and use these subheadings.
Title Page
1. Cardiovascular system
2. Respiratory system
Reference List
The entire essay should be a maximum of 1500 words (±10%) (excluding Reference List and Figures).
You should use the following layout for this report:
• Arial or Times New Roman font, size 12
• 1.5 line spacing
• All margins at least 2cm
• Text alignment justified
• Page number at bottom right corner of the page
Presentation of Figures should resemble a scientific journal. Tips on how to make these clear and how to follow conventions can be found in the following section.
You should write in the third person. Avoid using words such as “I” or “we”.
Title page
Include your title, name, student number and word count (excluding Reference List and Figures).
TIP: Carefully choose an appropriate title which indicates broadly what the essay is about to all readers, including those who are not specialists in the subject area. Be clear and concise: avoid abbreviations, avoid unnecessary words and use no more than ~150 characters (including spaces).
1. Cardiovascular system
• Report the acute response of the heart to exercise using the set of data distributed via Blackboard
• You must include the following Figure in a similar format to that seen in a journal article:
o Figure 1: Plot the individual subject’s heart rate at each running speed
• Describe how this data compares to typical values
• Also describe typical values for stroke volume and cardiac output at rest and during maximal exercise
• Provide an explanation for why the cardiovascular system responds to exercise in this way. Consider the function of the cardiovascular system during exercise. You should explain the physiological mechanisms which bring about this response.
2. Respiratory system
• Report the acute response of the ventilatory system to exercise using the set of data distributed via Blackboard
• You must include the following Figure in a similar format to that seen in a journal article:
o Figure 2: Plot the individual subject’s minute ventilation at each running speed
• Describe how this data compares to typical values
• Also describe typical values for breathing frequency and tidal volume at rest and during maximal exercise
• Provide an explanation for why the respiratory system responds to exercise in this way. Consider the function of the respiratory system during exercise. You should explain the physiological mechanisms which bring about this response.
TIP: Do not start your essay with a Figure. Begin with text.
TIP: If you use an abbreviation in the text, then it should be defined on first use.
TIP: You should use existing research and theory to explain and support your own findings
TIP: When citing other peoples work you should avoid direct quotation. Instead you should interpret, understand and restate in your own words.
More TIPS for Figures:
• make reference to them in the text (e.g. “Figure 1 shows…”)
• do not group all figures together. They should be placed within the text, close to the relevant description
• create your own and take care over their appearance
• number them appropriately
• include a caption below
• label them appropriately with the correct units
Reference List
Provide a Reference List, including all sources cited within the text. You should follow the Sport and Exercise referencing guidelines which can be found on the programme pages on Blackboard
This brief checklist is designed to help you avoid some of the common mistakes which can lose you marks on your coursework. After you have completed your coursework assignment, check through your work and ‘tick off’ each point once you are sure you have fully addressed that aspect.
Have you presented your work following the guidelines given in this document?
Have you correctly cited ALL (in-text and final list) references?
Have you proofread your work and addressed any relevant spelling/grammar issues?