An Escape from Academic Stress

Hello readers! Today I’m going to discuss some extra curricular activities which you must explore while you are still in college. Extra-curricular activities are merely the activities in which we indulge to enjoy a light moment. Everyone is blessed with a unique talent or hobby, and we must discover it. Extra-curricular activities also play a major role in our personality development as we open up to new challenges. We can assess our strengths to choose the suitable extra curricular activities. Whether you are a regular college goer or working part-time, you can always learn a new skill or develop a new hobby to have fun.

In this blog post, I’ll share the following information:

  • What are extra curricular activities?
  • Why should we spare some time for extra curricular activities?
  • What are the options at school or college?
  • List of activities to explore after college.
  • What are the benefits of indulging in extra curricular activities?

What are extra curricular activities?

The simplest definition of extra curricular activities:

Those activities which are performed after school, college or work. These activities help us to relieve stress but also teaches us new skills daily. We get to be an all-rounder simply by having fun. Students can test their strengths and weaknesses themselves while taking part in the activities. The unending syllabus and assignments have changed the lifestyle of a basic student. The pressure of the academics is so hard that they are forgetting the need of extra curricular activities, be it inside and outside. The students have become machines who are racing to score high grades with closed minds. Activities like speech competition, debates and sports contribute to the overall development of the students. The available sources also determine our go-to extra curricular activities.

We need to look around to see the possibilities. A basic example is you cannot play any outdoor games without a playground. Once you find out your passion then all you need to do is hire a mentor and stay focused. You can also take advice from the teachers to know clearly what appeals to you. There are many students who do not even know what they want. On the other side, students also want to do everything at once. However, one should not rush into any choices. It all comes down to commitment. Focus on such an activity which you would want to do every day till you die. Learning a new skill takes time, passion and a lot of hard work. So if you decide to enroll in a dance class or sports team, remember the commitment is forever.

Why should we spare some time for extra curricular activities?

There are endless reasons to do so. But some of them are listed below:

Time management skills get better

As a student, you may have lots of classes to attend yet you do not want to miss the evening football match with your pals. Time management is your only savior in such a case. Balancing both the college and work with extra curricular activities needs smart time management skills. However, it is possible by setting the priorities right.

You get to explore it all

Whether you want to be a part of the college band or the drama club, you can go as you like. By exploring diverse interests you get the chance to test your abilities and talent. Once you do something you are passionate about you know you have found your calling. All it now needs is the determination to pursue it.

Lets you contribute

You can make a positive change by being a part of any extra curricular activities, inside or outside the college. It is not about being the Jack of all traits. But doing something you really want to do. Your small steps can bring a bigger change in the world. For example, Volunteering for charity work. It can be a give and take of happiness. As much as you feel happy for choosing your passion, the others are happy for being a part of it.

 Way to grow self-esteem

We grow a sense of self-esteem whenever we get success, be it in any field. Learning a new skill can boost your skills and self-esteem on many levels. It gives the exact happiness as one would get after successfully passing an exam.

Find your calling

Extra curricular activities are the way of knowing yourself better. Although there is an abundance of options to choose your mind gets stuck to one instantly. This is your calling. If there anything which excites you apart from your subject is this activity. The kind of activity you get drawn towards also reflects your personality. Imagine if you like music, would you rather enroll in a sports team or the college music choir? Asking yourself such questions is a great way of finding your passion and motivation.

Set some goals

As you start learning a new sport or something you always wanted to, you set few goals to kill it. At first, you try to overcome the beginner phase and then go up gradually. The same applies to a successful career and life.

Learn teamwork ethics

Joining extra curricular activities mean joining groups. Drama club, dance classes or music choirs all need you to be a team player and maintain cordial relations with everyone. This can increase your socializing skills and make you more outgoing.

Improve your grade

Believe it or not, extra curricular activities can actually help you to improve your grades. They are an escape from the long hours of college at the end of the day to a fresh mind. An active mind is capable of deep thinking and solving complex problems. While learning a new skill you may even learn new ways of solving a problem. For example, students who learn Abacus enjoy it and apply it in their academics. A lot of complicated calculations can be solved with the help of Abacus.

Fun time!

This is the most basic yet ignored aspect of an extra curricular activity. If you do not have enough fun, the purpose of extra curricular activities fail. These exist to teach you new skills in a much-uncomplicated manner and environment. So that you do not feel forced and enjoy the whole process of learning. If there is no fun involved in the activity then what is the difference between this and four-walled classroom?

What are the options at School and College?

extra curricular activities

Joining clubs

You will find many clubs in your college. However, you must join only those for which you are willing to work with your heart and sweat. With a great performance, you can also become a leader of your desired clubs. Some of these clubs are Community Volunteering Clubs and Special interest clubs.

Music bands and art clubs for the creative bend of mind

These are for the ones who are more on the creative side and want to showcase their talent. Groups related to music and dance are always the most popular in college. So, you may also get a slice of fame there!

Take part in debates

If you are somebody who is full of views and opinions then, this is the field for you. You can hone your public speaking skills by devoting some time to the debate clubs. You may find all the members having opposite opinions yet the respect for each other and team spirit is evident.

Play a sport

This one never gets old! If you want to get active and sweat it out then, pick a sport. Sports can help you in ways more than one. Other than making you physically fit sports can also teach you many moral values like team spirit, sportsmanship, unity, and self-confidence.

What are the benefits of indulging in extra curricular activities?

Students need both mental and physical exercise to be successful in future. A tired mind with an inactive body and vice versa are the worst combinations for every age group. They should make the most of their vitality and youth to live to the fullest. To experience the best college life students must take part in various activities.

Benefits of extra curricular activities

These activities have a lot of benefits in stored for the students. Some of them are as follows:

  • Everything has a limit and so does your capability of learning. It is tiresome and mentally exhausting to be lost in the books 24×7. There can be multiple causes of such a behavior. It could be peer pressure, parental pressure or desire to be on top. But studying without any breaks can make the brain tired and lose its ability of complex thinking. Whereas taking regular breaks in between will keep the mind fresh and work faster. You can also go for some assignment help if the hectic routine does not give you a moment to breathe.
  • Lessons and assignments will only take you through the academic life but after that, there is a competitive and cruel world to live in. This is what extra curriculum activities prepare us for. Participating in competitions like debates and speech can improve your public speaking skills and grow your confidence. It is the most fun way of developing soft skills without even realizing it.
  • During the college students usually have to study a wide range of complex subjects along with the added pressure of projects and assignments. Extra-curricular activities can open up new possibilities for them. They get to explore a new area of interest closely which might not have been possible while sitting in the classroom.

What if I think out of the box?

The students who think out of the box and want to do something memorable each day also gets a chance to be exposed to new possibilities. Moreover, extra-curricular activities which involve volunteering for social groups can prove to be beneficial for the development of leadership skills in students. Such skills need practical experience and cannot be achieved by sitting in the comfortable environment of the class.

Hold on! There are more benefits

  • Although we underestimate the value of extra-curricular activities in school and college, the employers are highly aware of it. Few activities that you were a part of in school can give an edge to your resume. In the 21st century, the first impression is the last impression. Your resume represents your entire professional life in a nutshell and hence, comes forward as the first impression. It is the first thing that any employer notices about you.

How do they do it?

The activities also act as a proof of your developed soft skills. For instance; you can mention volunteering for campaigns to show traits of a leader. Show that you are a team player, put all the teams and groups you were a part of  on your resume

  • Extra curricular activities apart from increasing vitality and soft skills can also make you socially active, and not just on Facebook! By joining groups or special classes you can meet a lot of people. Everybody with their unique identity and story. This is a great way of interacting with people coming from different spheres of life. You can establish new friendships and bonds. If you have a curious mind there is a whole new space for you to explore.

By simply talking to your mates you can get great knowledge about the different cultures and their ways. There is no limit of knowledge in the world. All you need is to break through the shell and become an observer. There is a lot that these extra curricular activities have to offer us. But it comes down to how are we going to make the most of it.

Final Words

You are free to innovate and create your own extra curricular activities if you are still in doubt. There are no limits or boundaries to your imagination. Your hobby can also become your favorite extra curricular activity. Anything you find interesting enough to draw your attention is the one for you. Moreover, starting a business or a website can as well be one of the extra curricular activities. It needs a powerful commitment and passion for your inner talent to flourish. I hope this article was helpful to you. If you have any queries regarding this topic or if you want any kind of online assignment help, you can easily contact us on our website.

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