Computer Science-Business Systems Analysis

Business Systems Analysis

Imagine that you work for the small brick-and-mortar business described in the final project case scenario. The owner of your business wants to focus on generating new revenue through e-commerce, but she knows that this change in operations requires the company to integrate new technology. To gain an understanding of what the business might need for technology, she has asked you to create a business systems analysis. In this analysis, you will clearly introduce the problem that your business is facing.
Then, you will determine the business requirements for solving that problem, including the requirements that any new technology needs to meet. Next, you will explain how your competitors are using the two technologies in which you are investing, to determine whether those technologies are appropriate for your business.
Finally, you will propose your recommendations for the technology solution that best meets the needs of your business, including what your business owner must consider in regard to security and privacy of company data. Select two of the following technologies to focus on in your business systems analysis paper:  Big data and knowledge management  Wireless, mobile computing, and mobile commerce  Social computing  Cloud computing  Business analytics and business intelligence solutions  Intelligent systems

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