My body lesson plan esl writing

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My body lesson plan esl writing the trap of

Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language

This page was originally designed to share my materials with other English teaching assistants in France. especially those who have no experience in teaching ESL yet. I’ve also included worksheets that I used for private English lessons in France as well as some of the materials I used in my ESL classes in the United States. Feel free to use them as you’d like. Some of the lessons listed under the Assistant section can also be used for private lessons and vice versa. There is a page of English grammar if you need a review. If you want to use videos with subtitles in your classes, Yabla and FluentU offer many videos on a variety of topics.

Buy English as a Second Language Lesson Plans! All of the ESL lesson plans are now available as one ZIP file download, with FREE lifetime updates. All of the lessons available online are included and you will be notified via e-mail when new lessons and mp3s are added to the download. (New lessons will no longer be added to the website.) If you cannot afford the electronic pack, please download the free lesson plans below. Thank you very much and happy English teaching!

If you are new to teaching English to non-native speakers, I recommend trying some Teaching English courses at Udemy and the following books:

English Assistant in France Lessons

Refer to the Teaching section of the Assistants Guide if you’d like a more detailed account of how I used these lessons in my classes, as well as links to other plans that I found online. Most documents are available in Word format; however if you do not have Microsoft Word, you can still open the documents in OpenOffice, which is a free software. (I try to provide my documents in Word format instead of PDF format so that you can modify them.) The majority of the below documents I have written myself, but some I have found online and can no longer locate the original source to link back to.

My body lesson plan esl writing English found in
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Classroom Conversation and Speaking

You should only have to focus on teaching conversational English (listening, speaking and pronunciation skills). The students will learn reading and writing skills in their regular English classes. Your school may have some materials and books that you can use, but try not to fall into the trap of only teaching the stilted form of English found in these books. You should incorporate authentic language (such as from television and movies) as well as reduced forms (such as gonna, wanna, doncha, etc.) because that is the way that most Americans talk and that is what the students will need to understand the most. Textbooks will focus on the formal ways of speaking and writing, but students need to learn the informal ways too.

Just Get Them to Talk – Plan for the first day with a new class when the teacher instructs you to just get them to talk and you have nothing else planned

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