In your response explain why you think a shift has occurred in modern movies. In other words, why do you think movie stars in modern movies receive the majority of attention and fame in their youth as opposed to in their later years? What is the societal influence on and perception of beauty and aging? 650-700 words
Sociologists have observed that over the past several decades, Americans have become extremely youth-oriented. Look at old movies on the Turner Classic Movie channel, as an example, and you will see that many of the big stars of the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s were mature adults. You will not see young mega-celebrities like Britney Spears or Beyonce in those classic movies. I
n your response explain why you think a shift has occurred in modern movies. In other words, why do you think movie stars in modern movies receive the majority of attention and fame in their youth as opposed to in their later years? What is the societal influence on and perception of beauty and aging?
Another way to examine this youth-oriented mindset is to imagine yourself as an older person by writing an Aging Diary. Many young people find it very hard to picture themselves as aged persons. However, that’s what the second part of this assignment asks you to do. You should write up a fictional account of a typical day at each of the following ages: 50, 70, and 90.
Each of the three accounts should be about 150 to 200 words. (650-700 words in total) Your first account might begin like this: Today I got up and immediately… When you are finished, post your Aging Diary.
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