Watch the documentary Judgment Day

Watch the documentary Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial at the following link: Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

compose and submit a full two TO THREE response paper to the film, using the following questions to guide your response: 1. How do proponents of intelligent design make their case versus proponents of evolution, and who ultimately made a better case in court? Is intelligent design merely creationism re-stated? 2. Outside of a scientific discussion, what might be some of the cultural factors behind this resistance to evolution?

Can religion and science coexist in the modern world? What seems to be the key tensions? Writing Guidelines: 11 or 12 point Times New Roman or Calibri font only Double-spaced One-inch margins on all sides Numbered pages in upper right corner Your name, course number, and date on a separate cover sheet. (Response papers that do not meet these guidelines will be penalized)

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