Seneca’s agamemnon vs Aesculus Agamemnon

The summary paper should be about between 5 printed pages, double spaced, 12 pitch type exclusive of footnotes.

This paper is essentially a review of sources about a particular play. The label; “Seneca: Agamemnon” gives the name of a playwright and one of the surviving Greek or Roman plays. Summarize its importance as a representative of classical drama; you should note the editors of the classical source, the series where the play appears (Loeb classics or OCT) and any noteworthy translations. Often translators express opinions about the merits or importance of the play in related matter and these may vary considerbly. Other handbooks, such as the Oxford Classical Dictionary or the Cambridge History of classical literature will often discuss or summarize plays in context.

Many of these plays have served as models or inspirations for later playwrights, especially from the Renaissance and Neoclassical periods. What, if any, imitations has it engendered? At times, different playwrighs address the same myth. Are there variant mytic stories? Does another author treat the same myth differently? How does it differ? Does the play resemble any other play we have already studied or some other play or share a common theme?

While this is a bibliographic exercise, it should appear as an essay, not an annotated shopping list. The ultimate question to answer is what is the place of this play in context of classical drama? Is it a core text or a minor drama? Is it a tragedy, comedy or of problematic classification.

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