According to Olweus definition of bullying, it is a form of mistreatment, that a person is repeatedly exposed to physical and/or emotional aggression including teasing, name calling, mockery, threats, harassment, taunting, hazing, social exclusion or rumours and mostly seen in schools and the workplace (Olweus D. etal., 1999)
Bullying is a major public health problem that required the concerted and coordinated time and attention of health-care providers, policy-makers and families. (World Health Organization 2010).
Research indicates that bullying affects individuals in different stages of human life life. (Gini G, Pozzoli, 2018) children who are exposed to bullying are at a significant risk of experiencing a wide spectrum of psychosomatic symptoms, running away from home, alcohol and drug abuse, absenteeism and, above all, self-inflicted, accidental or perpetrated injuries. (Gini G, Pozzoli, 2018) The consequences of bullying aftects people in their adulthood life. Evidence shows a significant association between childhood bullying behaviour and later psychiatric morbidity (Sourander A, et al., 2009).
This article talks about bulling that targets LGBTQ community. LGBT community, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students experience bullying in a predominantly heteronormative culture. ( DesRoches, S., & Sweet, M. E. (2008). The author also mentioned that silence and lack of visibility contribute for bullying and discrimination and encourages hetronormativity in the society.
Despite the recognition of the harmful effects of bulling, we are challenged with the need to develop health policies for bullying prevention. (World Health Organization 2010).
So far, different awareness complain has been implemented to prevent bullying in school as well as workplace bullying however, it is not enough to eradicate bullying.( Srabstein J, et al., 2008)
In this article, the author talks about the author about how empowering LGBTQ individual can reduce bullying in school. However, the article failed to discuss the following very crucial points in relation to bullying and LGBTQ community.
The relationship between Racism and homophobia
This article does not talk about how gender, race, class, and other sociocultural factors affect the LGBTQ community. As research indicated Children of minority ethnic origin often experience more racist –homopobic bullying from others. (Monks, Ortega-Ruiz, & Rodríguez-Hidalgo,2008). It’s very important to know the relationship between racism and LGBTQ especially among indigenous people. Its known fact that Indigenous people in general are treated poorly., I think those who are perceived as vulnerable or ‘different’ can be at additional risk of bullying, so those who identify as members of the LGBTQ2 and indigenous would potentially be at greater risk as victims of bullying.
Indigenous students may not have a supportive home life. They leave their reserve for school or employment and they come to city for school leave reserve very new for city life. Most of them are new for the city life and they come to the city and some indigenous may not even have a supportive home life that also contributes for additional bullying and suffering criminal exposure and mental health problems (LaPrairie, C. 2002). Also, having to go away to school at a young age because your community doesn’ t school facility .
Acculturation of the indigenous population in my perspective is a form of bullying as it demonstrates a power imbalance, repetitive actions, and it caused harm
The over-representation of Status Indians in aboriginal correctional populations is explained by their disadvantaged socio-economic position in relation to other aboriginal groups, and their degree of disadvantage is related to variation in over-representation levels across the country.
Power dynamics
its also important to examine how the relationship between power and bullying particularly in LGBTQ community plays. I would like to know how the power imbalance influences teaching and learning process in a school environment.
The aouther did mention the dominance of hetronormative culture as a power imbalance however, power imbalance and bullying by different sociocultural positionsis not explored here. It doesn’t talk about how power dynamics influence teaching and learning transactions in classroom environments.
Bullying is a systematic abuse of power by perpetrators (Lines, 2008; Smith & Sharp, 1994). When two or more people come together as a group, they instinctively formulate power dynamics and hierarchies based on their sociocultu ral and socioeconomic statuses, which affect how people respectfully treat others (Maher & Tetreault, 2001). Race and sexual orientation influence people’s behavior and perception of being a member of a particular group. At an individual level, for instance, people of color may experience racist bullying when they are ignored by a White waiter at a restaurant because of their race. Another example would be a situation where a gay couple attends a friend’s party and overhear heterosexist comments from an attendee. Such power imbalances lead to domination and subordination at the highest levels of society (Newman, 2007). ( the whole highlighted paragraph is taken from a different recourse please re write this)
Mental health, Alcohol and drug addiction
The author did not talk about mental health and buying relationship. (please add some Here)
Bullying prevention program
The author made a recommendation of destabilizing heteronormativity Most of the recommendation are around awareness rasining and visibility. The author failed to mention parents. “home” is different for every family. parents also need to teach their children about how to be mindful of other( reference ). Children learn from home and on the flipside, Teachers may also take their learned behavior in to the classroom thus schools play a main role but many social inequities need to be addressed…
cultural and religious backgrounds of the parents needs to be seen and that could be address and awareness should not only focus school children’s but also parents.
Schools also teach Western concepts and values, which do not consider other cultures Indigenous cultural perspectives and values creating a gap between the two cultures
The first action is public awareness. The author did mention visibility and talking about other LGBTQ people achievements. I also think that people who support LGBTQ should be embraced in front of students as well.
Second, supporting victims. Appropriate support and referral for mental and physical health treatment ( reference)
Third Policy-makers could create advisory groups to provide recommendations and develop guidelines for a whole-community strategy for the prevention, intervention and treatment of bullying-related public health risks. (WHO 2008)
Kosciw, J. j., Palmer, N. A., Kull, R. M., & Greytak, E. A. (2013). The Effect of Negative School Climate on Academic Outcomes for LGBT Youth and the Role of In-School Supports. Journal Of School Violence, 12(1), 45-63.
World Health Organization 2010;88:403-403. doi: 10.2471/BLT.10.077123retrieved from
Gini G, Pozzoli T. Association between bullying and psychosomatic problems: a meta-analysis. Pediatrics 2009; 123: 1059-65 doi: 10.1542/peds.2008-1215.
Srabstein J, Piazza T. Public health, safety and educational risks associated with bullying behaviors in American adolescents. Int J Adolesc Med Health 2008; 20: 223-33.
Misawa, M. (2011). Racist and Homophobic Bullying in Adulthood: Narratives from Gay Men of Color in Higher Education. New Horizons In Adult Education & Human Resource Development, 26(1), 7-23.
Rodríguez-Hidalgo, A. J., Ortega-Ruiz, R., & Monks, C. P. (2015). Peer-victimisation in multi-cultural contexts: A structural model of the effects on self-esteem and emotions. Psicología Educativa, 213-9. doi:10.1016/j.pse.2015.02.002
DesRoches, S., & Sweet, M. E. (2008). Citizenship for some: Heteronormativity as cloaked bullying. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 19(3-4), 173-187. doi:10.1080/10538720802161680
(Olweus D. Norway. In: Smith PK, Morita Y, Junger-Tas J, Olweus D, Catalano R, Slee Pl, editors. The nature of school bullying: a cross-national perspective, 1st edition. London: Routledge; 1999. p. 31.)
Sourander A, Klomek AB, Niemelä S, Haavisto A, Gyllenberg D, Helenius H, et al., et al. Childhood predictors of completed and severe suicide attempts: findings from the Finnish 1981 Birth Cohort Study. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2009; 66: 398-406 doi: 10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2009.21.
LaPrairie, C. (2002). Aboriginal over-representation in the criminal justice system: tale of nine cities. Canadian Journal of Criminology 44(2), 181-208.